You Want Me To Put Bird Poop… WHERE?
That’s it! Sister, that is when you know we have finally lost our marbles as women! Straight up, Chicks are laying down over $200 a hit for Bird Poop facials! You can’t make stuff like this up.
I recently watched a web video talking about beauty essentials and those luxuries or treatments that could be given up in order to save a buck or two. No joke, the Commentator talked about these little poop treats for your face, its proposed exfoliating properties and ability to “brighten the skin.” Seriously, anything would look brighter once the bird poop was washed off! Anyway, Bird Poop facials made the “give up” list (this alone should attest that there is a God) because they were found to be no more effective than cheaper (less poopy?) options. Heavens to Mergatroid! You don’t say? How’s about I help ya put that facial out on the rose bushes, garden patch or in the compost pile?!
I guess what grabbed me most, about this whole idea, is how far our focus and thoughts have traveled as a society, in the quest for beauty and youth. We have rambled so far down this ridiculous road that we have somehow forgotten that poop belongs on the ground, in a hole or otherwise flushed… NOT on our faces. But then, what a perfect metaphor, don’t you think? You know that old saying, “Here’s to mud in your eye!” That phrase is thought to have risen out of the horse racing world, and was a playful nudge from the winner to the loser (who would most likely be spattered with mud from following the winner). Well girls, we are falling behind in the race to see more of Jesus in this life and some of us don’t even recognize that instead, we are playing the part of the dirty looser – not with mud in our eye, but with poop on our faces!
When we get so sucked into the idea that youth and beauty determining our worth, we loose sight of life’s joys as God intended. We willingly smear bird poop on our faces (literally and figuratively) in attempt to be what the world says is special. Doesn’t that strike you as nuts? Romans 8:5 says, “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” Our hearts can be so deceptive, and lead us down fruitless and dead end roads. Jeremiah 17:9 tell us that, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” So we must intentionally keep our thoughts on the things of God and what really matters for eternity. (Philippians 4:8)
No, maybe you don’t spend that much on crazy concoctions and potions for the promise of glorious skin or smooth thighs. Maybe you don’t stuff your bra with gel balloons, or look to see what you can improve about yourself surgically. Maybe you don’t spend hours upon hours at the salon each month on hair or nails. I am not suggesting these things are wrong; they are just smoke and mirrors. What I do want you to ask yourself is this: Does your appearance or what others think of you outweigh in your heart who God says you are? The Word of God asserts this question through Paul in Galatians 1:8, “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Who we aim to please, plainly says who we serve.
Despite the wrinkles, crinkles and gravity dimples; God says you are His beloved daughter with a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) With or without the extra pounds, you are His beautiful creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17) You are lovely to the Lord, even with the scars, stretch marks and tracks of your life traveled. God rejoices over you, whether you dress like a diva or wear dime store duds. (Proverbs 31:25, Zephaniah 3:17) Even if you have lost parts of yourself or have been disfigured because of cancer, disease, or accident; your Father in Heaven says you are complete. (Colossians 2:9-10) You are His true love, the one He gave His life for, and He will pursue you until you turn and give all of your heart to Him. Those who have received Him as their Lord and Savior are His beautiful bride, without stain or mark, washed by the blood of the Lamb. (Isaiah 62:5, Ephesians 5:27) Dear Sister, you are so special, exactly the way you are! YOU are an expression of the life of Christ! (Colossians 3:4)
Yes, these bodies of ours are God’s temple and we are to care for them. (1Corinthians 3:16, 6:19) But we are to keep in perspective that these temples are a temporary dwelling, they are not eternal. That fact is obvious when we glimpse ourselves naked in a full length mirror! These imperfect earthly bodies are meant to simply be a vehicle to carry our spirits and souls, meant for the Lord’s work. (Ephesians 2:10)
Sister, if we resolve to do anything in the coming year, let it be a resolution to learn to like ourselves, even love ourselves, just the way God made us. If we learn to be content and happy in who we are, then we can be an example to our children and those around us. Don’t you ever look at your dear friends and daughters and wish they could see how lovely they really are? Don’t you think your God and Creator wants the same for you? He does! He wants you to know His unconditional love and acceptance, and to be a living testimony of this blessing to others. Knowing who you really are in Christ is true beauty magnified by God’s love through you. He is ready to transform your heart with this beauty make-over if you will allow Him. No appointment necessary! Oh, and Girl, He is running an eternal special, it doesn’t cost a thing! He is able!
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2)
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)
All Scriptures NIV 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Giver or a Taker?
One Sunday not too long ago, a friend of ours
approached me and gave me a hug. She said she had been thinking of us often and
wondered how we were doing. This dear Sister has been privy to some of
the heavy things on our proverbial "plate" of life. So in
response, I immediately set about telling her all that was going on, never once
really coming up for air. You know what I mean, monologue style,
rehashing every last uncomfortable detail... Throwing in a, "but God is so
good," and a "despite it all, I feel so blessed" here and there for
a good measure of Church Speak.
My husband, likely noticing my friend's eyes glazing over, stepped into the
conversation and asked her how things were going for her at school (she has
gone back to take some college courses). I was immediately embarrassed,
realizing how focused I was on my own problems. I had chosen to forget
that those around me have their own lives and things to work through. She
gratefully smiled in response to his concern and said that she loved her
classes and so the long commute was worth it. However, the day before, as
she was driving to school, she had been in a pretty bad car accident.
UGH! She had suffered a significant scare and set back. If my
husband hadn't asked, I would have continued on about myself, never knowing
what she had been through. Even more convicting was her faith.
There was no complaint of, "Why me?" or fear of, "What shall I
do?" She was trusting God in the details and sincerely grateful that
she was not injured or worse.
I realized that I had again let myself sink into the arms of self
absorption. Believing that my time, my life, my problems are most
important and imperative. There in that self-wallowing place, we are less
sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His call to minister. There in the mire
of our hearts, we are unable to love and sympathize with others since our
interest is tied up in our own problems, paralyzed by selfish
preoccupation. We miss the blessing of loving others, encouraging others
- the very thing that will swiftly lighten the load of our own struggles.
Years ago, a dear friend of mine had lovingly committed to praying for me
and my family. We were going through a pretty wide and dry desert at the
time, and I was so grateful for her listening ear and willingness to
pray. However, my fears and flesh began to slowly suck the blessing out
of the love this Sister offered. I began to see the relationship as a way
to dump all my problems, describe all my woes, and explain every wretched detail
of my troubles. I chose to ignore that this friend was also living a life
mottled by problems, speed bumps, and grief. I was so wrapped up in my
need to be heard, why I thought my life sucked so bad, and wanting to explain
why I needed prayer and how I wanted God to answer, that I forgot to be a
friend to the one who was taking so much time for me. Worse yet, I had
forgotten that we are to thank Him even in the midst of our troubles, and the
sweet assurance that His perfect plan will bring all things good AND bad to
beautiful fruition in Christ. (Romans 8:28, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, James 1:2)
Finally, after many woes-me letters and phone calls. My dear Sister
lovingly and courageously told me to shove it. OK, not exactly, she was
much gentler than that. In fact, as I look back, I can't believe how kind
she was. She spent time relaying to me how God loves us and would take
care of us. Then came the sentence that
hung in my mind for months, well actually, years. She wrote, "It is
time to become a giver, and stop living as a taker." She told me how
God had things for me to do that would bring Him glory. Those good works
He prepared in advance for me to do! (Ephesians 2:10) She assured me that
as I trusted Him, gave, and let Him use me as a vessel to pour out, I would be
abundantly blessed in unexpected ways.
She was right. I began to take every
thought captive to the Lord (2 Corinthians 10:5) and find things to thank Him
for even in the days where it seemed difficult to simply function. (1
Thessalonians 5:18) As God gently retrains my mind and heart’s
perspective (Isaiah 64:8, Romans 12:2), my thoughts are less likely to hovering
over the troubles I was experience. When worries, fears, or complaints
come to mind, I am better able to see through an eternal perspective and
realize that they are no where near as weighty as I would like to believe.
(Isaiah 55:8-9) It is amazing how self absorption throws reality out of
whack and causes us to believe we are suffering far more than we really are, or
that our problems are more important than someone else's. I don't know
why it is so easy to slip into a proclivity of doom. I haven't the
foggiest why self pity feels so darn warm and cozy, vindicating and right...
Because it isn't, and we must take caution to avoid that lie that only leads to
an ineffective and powerless frame of mind.
In no way do I intend to belittle problems you face. Instead, I want
to encourage you to ask God to help you view these things through His eyes.
Nor would I suggest that you stop talking to godly counsel about your problems,
this is so important and the Bible tells us to bear one another's burdens
(Galatians 6:2). But the verse says, "bear one another's," not
"dump your troubles and run." Sure, it isn't going to always be
a fifty-fifty deal, but the intention is not to take advantage, spill or heap
our burden on others, or assume our needs are greater; instead, we are to give,
and share the load.
So... reality check for me. Yes, hell or high water may come, but it
is nothing that our mighty God cannot handle if we only open our hearts and
lives to Him and surrender it all. God is greater! (Genesis 18:14,
Matthew 19:26) No sense in pretending anymore, dear Sister, we have never
been nor will we ever be in control. So, why not let the Almighty take
the helm and enjoy the opportunity to be used of Him and witness, first hand,
the work of the Lord? Being a ready and open vessel is the ultimate
drown-er and squash-er of troubles, it is a divinely appointed remedy for
woes. No, those trials will likely not vanish, but your choice to focus
on something or someone else will help you to keep things in perspective, help
keep you from reacting out of emotion, and help alleviate the stress and strain
on your spirit and physical body that comes with worry. The best part is,
our heavenly Father is patiently waiting for us to ask Him to do this work in
us! The Word says, I can do all this through Him who gives me strength!
(Philippians 4:13) He is ABLE!
approached me and gave me a hug. She said she had been thinking of us often and
wondered how we were doing. This dear Sister has been privy to some of
the heavy things on our proverbial "plate" of life. So in
response, I immediately set about telling her all that was going on, never once
really coming up for air. You know what I mean, monologue style,
rehashing every last uncomfortable detail... Throwing in a, "but God is so
good," and a "despite it all, I feel so blessed" here and there for
a good measure of Church Speak.
My husband, likely noticing my friend's eyes glazing over, stepped into the
conversation and asked her how things were going for her at school (she has
gone back to take some college courses). I was immediately embarrassed,
realizing how focused I was on my own problems. I had chosen to forget
that those around me have their own lives and things to work through. She
gratefully smiled in response to his concern and said that she loved her
classes and so the long commute was worth it. However, the day before, as
she was driving to school, she had been in a pretty bad car accident.
UGH! She had suffered a significant scare and set back. If my
husband hadn't asked, I would have continued on about myself, never knowing
what she had been through. Even more convicting was her faith.
There was no complaint of, "Why me?" or fear of, "What shall I
do?" She was trusting God in the details and sincerely grateful that
she was not injured or worse.
I realized that I had again let myself sink into the arms of self
absorption. Believing that my time, my life, my problems are most
important and imperative. There in that self-wallowing place, we are less
sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His call to minister. There in the mire
of our hearts, we are unable to love and sympathize with others since our
interest is tied up in our own problems, paralyzed by selfish
preoccupation. We miss the blessing of loving others, encouraging others
- the very thing that will swiftly lighten the load of our own struggles.
Years ago, a dear friend of mine had lovingly committed to praying for me
and my family. We were going through a pretty wide and dry desert at the
time, and I was so grateful for her listening ear and willingness to
pray. However, my fears and flesh began to slowly suck the blessing out
of the love this Sister offered. I began to see the relationship as a way
to dump all my problems, describe all my woes, and explain every wretched detail
of my troubles. I chose to ignore that this friend was also living a life
mottled by problems, speed bumps, and grief. I was so wrapped up in my
need to be heard, why I thought my life sucked so bad, and wanting to explain
why I needed prayer and how I wanted God to answer, that I forgot to be a
friend to the one who was taking so much time for me. Worse yet, I had
forgotten that we are to thank Him even in the midst of our troubles, and the
sweet assurance that His perfect plan will bring all things good AND bad to
beautiful fruition in Christ. (Romans 8:28, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, James 1:2)
Finally, after many woes-me letters and phone calls. My dear Sister
lovingly and courageously told me to shove it. OK, not exactly, she was
much gentler than that. In fact, as I look back, I can't believe how kind
she was. She spent time relaying to me how God loves us and would take
care of us. Then came the sentence that
hung in my mind for months, well actually, years. She wrote, "It is
time to become a giver, and stop living as a taker." She told me how
God had things for me to do that would bring Him glory. Those good works
He prepared in advance for me to do! (Ephesians 2:10) She assured me that
as I trusted Him, gave, and let Him use me as a vessel to pour out, I would be
abundantly blessed in unexpected ways.
She was right. I began to take every
thought captive to the Lord (2 Corinthians 10:5) and find things to thank Him
for even in the days where it seemed difficult to simply function. (1
Thessalonians 5:18) As God gently retrains my mind and heart’s
perspective (Isaiah 64:8, Romans 12:2), my thoughts are less likely to hovering
over the troubles I was experience. When worries, fears, or complaints
come to mind, I am better able to see through an eternal perspective and
realize that they are no where near as weighty as I would like to believe.
(Isaiah 55:8-9) It is amazing how self absorption throws reality out of
whack and causes us to believe we are suffering far more than we really are, or
that our problems are more important than someone else's. I don't know
why it is so easy to slip into a proclivity of doom. I haven't the
foggiest why self pity feels so darn warm and cozy, vindicating and right...
Because it isn't, and we must take caution to avoid that lie that only leads to
an ineffective and powerless frame of mind.
In no way do I intend to belittle problems you face. Instead, I want
to encourage you to ask God to help you view these things through His eyes.
Nor would I suggest that you stop talking to godly counsel about your problems,
this is so important and the Bible tells us to bear one another's burdens
(Galatians 6:2). But the verse says, "bear one another's," not
"dump your troubles and run." Sure, it isn't going to always be
a fifty-fifty deal, but the intention is not to take advantage, spill or heap
our burden on others, or assume our needs are greater; instead, we are to give,
and share the load.
So... reality check for me. Yes, hell or high water may come, but it
is nothing that our mighty God cannot handle if we only open our hearts and
lives to Him and surrender it all. God is greater! (Genesis 18:14,
Matthew 19:26) No sense in pretending anymore, dear Sister, we have never
been nor will we ever be in control. So, why not let the Almighty take
the helm and enjoy the opportunity to be used of Him and witness, first hand,
the work of the Lord? Being a ready and open vessel is the ultimate
drown-er and squash-er of troubles, it is a divinely appointed remedy for
woes. No, those trials will likely not vanish, but your choice to focus
on something or someone else will help you to keep things in perspective, help
keep you from reacting out of emotion, and help alleviate the stress and strain
on your spirit and physical body that comes with worry. The best part is,
our heavenly Father is patiently waiting for us to ask Him to do this work in
us! The Word says, I can do all this through Him who gives me strength!
(Philippians 4:13) He is ABLE!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thankfulness in All Things
"Is it really possible? Has another year passed?" I thought this Sunday after church as my husband and I were pulling up frozen weights by net handles out of a sea of plastic wrapped carcasses, in search of the perfect bird. "Do I really want to cook a turkey, didn't I just do this last week?" Then came a trickle of memories of the year's past, then the trickle became a stream, followed by a flood. Good days and bad days, that had all been shoved back and tucked away in my mind, began to fly through my head. They reminded me that indeed, twelve months have passed since I wrestled a slippery, goose pimpled, headless monster in my sink. I guess the thinking on these things, coupled with a really good sermon on the sovereignty of God, added up to the question that followed, "Am I thankful?"
This hasn't been the easiest of years. Nothing catastrophic in and of itself, just the overwhelming gnawing of seemingly unresolved problems and uncertainty. My heart has at times felt exhausted and overrun. I have questioned God and wondered, even yelled, "Have you forgotten? Hellooooo?"
Yet, as I look back, I can see that by God's hand, the bad times were carefully and creatively matched with good and sweet moments, and at times met with new and old family in Christ. There has been an answer for every grief, a gentle kiss from the Father, offering blessing that would have been missed if He had spared me the pain. It is evident that God is truly in control and He has allowed each of these difficulties to come so that I might grow to a better understanding of Him and how He loves me.
Our God allows the trials and tests to strengthen us for the good works He has prepared in advance to do. In His loving wisdom He exercises our faith, challenges our hope, and demands our trust. He calls us to join Him as He looks deep within our hearts and considers our motives. The landscape of our hearts can be such a difficult view to take in, with barren areas, miry pits, and ugly walls of stone... But if we honestly appraise the condition (Psalm 139:23) and willingly hand over the deed to what might otherwise appear to be useless space, our Master Gardener will begin to cultivate a garden that is as abundant as it is lovely in the fruits of His Spirit. Some of this work is only possible by the Father's miraculous hand, but much of it He will ask us to do under His loving guidance. Uprooting the dead and lifeless, pruning back the useless, and tearing down walls that keep us from fully experiencing Him. (John 15:1-16) We will see the voids well up with streams of living water and never run dry. Yet none of this is possible without sharp tools, elbow grease, and dirty knees. Knees that learn to love being bent in worship and service, because of the amazing view that is provided from that place of humility while we weed the garden of our hearts under the light of His presence. A garden of retreat and a place meet with our Father. A place to pick fruit that we can pelt at the troubles that come, just kidding, "pelting" is probably not the best metaphor albeit satisfying to think of at times! All in all, it is nothing short of amazing that He can redeem the dirt of our lives, and from it, bring forth such bounty! (Romans 8:28) He is ABLE!
So... YES! I am thankful! Thankful for the opportunity to struggle, as weird as it may sound and as strange as it is to write. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." Thanks that God would carefully craft the path of my life to involve tailored obstacles to challenge me and establish my dependence on Him. (Matthew 4:4) After all, the joy of the Lord is our strength! (Nehemiah 8:10) What He asks us to give is only that which we have already received according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus! (Philippians 4:19) Thank You Lord, for loving us enough to prevent us from getting too comfortable, so that we might seek Your face, find You and know You more! (Jeremiah 29:13)
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise you forever. Psalm 30:11-12
But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, “The LORD is great!” Psalm 70:4
Bible references from the New International Version.
This hasn't been the easiest of years. Nothing catastrophic in and of itself, just the overwhelming gnawing of seemingly unresolved problems and uncertainty. My heart has at times felt exhausted and overrun. I have questioned God and wondered, even yelled, "Have you forgotten? Hellooooo?"
Yet, as I look back, I can see that by God's hand, the bad times were carefully and creatively matched with good and sweet moments, and at times met with new and old family in Christ. There has been an answer for every grief, a gentle kiss from the Father, offering blessing that would have been missed if He had spared me the pain. It is evident that God is truly in control and He has allowed each of these difficulties to come so that I might grow to a better understanding of Him and how He loves me.
Our God allows the trials and tests to strengthen us for the good works He has prepared in advance to do. In His loving wisdom He exercises our faith, challenges our hope, and demands our trust. He calls us to join Him as He looks deep within our hearts and considers our motives. The landscape of our hearts can be such a difficult view to take in, with barren areas, miry pits, and ugly walls of stone... But if we honestly appraise the condition (Psalm 139:23) and willingly hand over the deed to what might otherwise appear to be useless space, our Master Gardener will begin to cultivate a garden that is as abundant as it is lovely in the fruits of His Spirit. Some of this work is only possible by the Father's miraculous hand, but much of it He will ask us to do under His loving guidance. Uprooting the dead and lifeless, pruning back the useless, and tearing down walls that keep us from fully experiencing Him. (John 15:1-16) We will see the voids well up with streams of living water and never run dry. Yet none of this is possible without sharp tools, elbow grease, and dirty knees. Knees that learn to love being bent in worship and service, because of the amazing view that is provided from that place of humility while we weed the garden of our hearts under the light of His presence. A garden of retreat and a place meet with our Father. A place to pick fruit that we can pelt at the troubles that come, just kidding, "pelting" is probably not the best metaphor albeit satisfying to think of at times! All in all, it is nothing short of amazing that He can redeem the dirt of our lives, and from it, bring forth such bounty! (Romans 8:28) He is ABLE!
So... YES! I am thankful! Thankful for the opportunity to struggle, as weird as it may sound and as strange as it is to write. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." Thanks that God would carefully craft the path of my life to involve tailored obstacles to challenge me and establish my dependence on Him. (Matthew 4:4) After all, the joy of the Lord is our strength! (Nehemiah 8:10) What He asks us to give is only that which we have already received according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus! (Philippians 4:19) Thank You Lord, for loving us enough to prevent us from getting too comfortable, so that we might seek Your face, find You and know You more! (Jeremiah 29:13)
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise you forever. Psalm 30:11-12
But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, “The LORD is great!” Psalm 70:4
Bible references from the New International Version.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His Glory and Grace...
Helen H. Lemmel
Oh, how messy life can be! You might feel as though you've got it all pretty squared away and the things of life are moving along in the right direction... and WHAM! Someone, or something, puts a kink in your air hose and you find yourself fighting to reach the surface of sanity and for a breath of relief. All of a sudden, you are struggling to keep your head above the waters of despair, grief, anger, fear, or all of the above. We fight against the feelings of being overwhelmed, or at other times, we are paralyzed by worry and anxiety over tragedy and other things out of our control. After exhausting and draining every bit of our waning energy, we fall into bed at night unable to sleep and recharge as we rehearse our next move, think through the worst case scenarios, or spend worry on the endless possibilities.
WHY? Why do we even attempt to battle, defend, work, run and manipulate when the Word of God clearly tells us to rest... Rest in Him. Sisters, when we carry on out of our own strength and determination in the throws of trouble, we are disobeying direct orders from our Commander in Chief and we sin. Why do we press on in pride trying to handle things on our own? It makes no sense, yet I have struggled with this time and again. We tell the Almighty God of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth, that we are grateful that He sent His Son to die for us and raised Him from the dead. However, our actions are in contrast saying, "I don't trust You to take care of me or my problems. I got this one, I'll handle it." I might as well say to the Father, "I can throw my hands up in worship before a congregation of people, I will tell of Your wonders and grace, but I will not trust You to save me, carry me or heal me." Sisters, if this is all there is to Christianity and we are left alone to fend for ourselves, then why make Jesus our Lord and SAVIOR in the first place?
The beauty and blessing of being a child of the Most High God, is that He promises to love us, protect us, and use ALL things, even the greatest tragedy, for our good! He can redeem it all! All we must do is learn to rest and trust in Him. (Psalm 37:7) This may be difficult in the beginning, not because He makes it so, but because our flesh does. Although, if we continually call on Him for His peace that passes all understanding, and if we take every thought captive and hold them up to the light of His Word and Truth; He will train our hearts and minds to die unto our flesh and rest in His strong, capable, and loving arms.
It is in these times that our wonderful God draws us near if we will stop for a moment, ignore the whirling winds around us and listen to His calling... Calling to be still, stand and watch as He takes what we have, even the worst we can imagine, and see Him create beauty from ashes. (Ephesians 6:13, Isaiah 61:3) He will draw back the choking waters about our heads and turn it into wine that is sweet to our lips. He will strengthen our weary backs burdened with the things of life and uphold us with His mighty right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
Oh, believe me, I can complain with the best of them in the midst of such worrisome and grievous days! Although, when I stop and press into Him instead, I find that these are some of the greatest moments with my Father. I now look forward to those times, ones so personally miraculous that they are indelibly written on my mind and spirit and can be recalled when other dark days come. Not to say that I want to invite trouble, but there is nothing like the moment when I finally decide to hold out my hands and give up my pathetic attempts to control my situation and life... and He lifts the burden from me, and I can almost tangibly feel the weight depart as His gentle love surrounds me. It is then that my light and momentary troubles seem to wash away. I can breath again and that deep indwelling joy begins to bubble back up to the surface and overflow, in the knowing that all of these things will be used for an eternal glory that will outweigh them all! (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) I love that place. That place in Him, where my spirit can find rest.
Will you hold out your troubles to Him today, and trust Him to complete the good work He started in your life? (Philippians 1:6) Will you allow Him to be more than just a passing thought or prayer at the dinner table, and allow Him to be your Savior? Your Friend? Your Protector? Your Provider? Your Rock? He is waiting for you, dear Sister, and He is able!
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Ephesians 3: 17-19 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (New Living Translation)
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Bible references from the New International Version, unless otherwise noted.
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His Glory and Grace...
Helen H. Lemmel
Oh, how messy life can be! You might feel as though you've got it all pretty squared away and the things of life are moving along in the right direction... and WHAM! Someone, or something, puts a kink in your air hose and you find yourself fighting to reach the surface of sanity and for a breath of relief. All of a sudden, you are struggling to keep your head above the waters of despair, grief, anger, fear, or all of the above. We fight against the feelings of being overwhelmed, or at other times, we are paralyzed by worry and anxiety over tragedy and other things out of our control. After exhausting and draining every bit of our waning energy, we fall into bed at night unable to sleep and recharge as we rehearse our next move, think through the worst case scenarios, or spend worry on the endless possibilities.
WHY? Why do we even attempt to battle, defend, work, run and manipulate when the Word of God clearly tells us to rest... Rest in Him. Sisters, when we carry on out of our own strength and determination in the throws of trouble, we are disobeying direct orders from our Commander in Chief and we sin. Why do we press on in pride trying to handle things on our own? It makes no sense, yet I have struggled with this time and again. We tell the Almighty God of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth, that we are grateful that He sent His Son to die for us and raised Him from the dead. However, our actions are in contrast saying, "I don't trust You to take care of me or my problems. I got this one, I'll handle it." I might as well say to the Father, "I can throw my hands up in worship before a congregation of people, I will tell of Your wonders and grace, but I will not trust You to save me, carry me or heal me." Sisters, if this is all there is to Christianity and we are left alone to fend for ourselves, then why make Jesus our Lord and SAVIOR in the first place?
The beauty and blessing of being a child of the Most High God, is that He promises to love us, protect us, and use ALL things, even the greatest tragedy, for our good! He can redeem it all! All we must do is learn to rest and trust in Him. (Psalm 37:7) This may be difficult in the beginning, not because He makes it so, but because our flesh does. Although, if we continually call on Him for His peace that passes all understanding, and if we take every thought captive and hold them up to the light of His Word and Truth; He will train our hearts and minds to die unto our flesh and rest in His strong, capable, and loving arms.
It is in these times that our wonderful God draws us near if we will stop for a moment, ignore the whirling winds around us and listen to His calling... Calling to be still, stand and watch as He takes what we have, even the worst we can imagine, and see Him create beauty from ashes. (Ephesians 6:13, Isaiah 61:3) He will draw back the choking waters about our heads and turn it into wine that is sweet to our lips. He will strengthen our weary backs burdened with the things of life and uphold us with His mighty right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
Oh, believe me, I can complain with the best of them in the midst of such worrisome and grievous days! Although, when I stop and press into Him instead, I find that these are some of the greatest moments with my Father. I now look forward to those times, ones so personally miraculous that they are indelibly written on my mind and spirit and can be recalled when other dark days come. Not to say that I want to invite trouble, but there is nothing like the moment when I finally decide to hold out my hands and give up my pathetic attempts to control my situation and life... and He lifts the burden from me, and I can almost tangibly feel the weight depart as His gentle love surrounds me. It is then that my light and momentary troubles seem to wash away. I can breath again and that deep indwelling joy begins to bubble back up to the surface and overflow, in the knowing that all of these things will be used for an eternal glory that will outweigh them all! (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) I love that place. That place in Him, where my spirit can find rest.
Will you hold out your troubles to Him today, and trust Him to complete the good work He started in your life? (Philippians 1:6) Will you allow Him to be more than just a passing thought or prayer at the dinner table, and allow Him to be your Savior? Your Friend? Your Protector? Your Provider? Your Rock? He is waiting for you, dear Sister, and He is able!
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Ephesians 3: 17-19 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (New Living Translation)
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Bible references from the New International Version, unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Cyber Hussies
Proverbs 11:22 Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.
There's just no skirting around this one, is there ladies? This verse is directly pointed at the world we live in... Worse, there are no longer just "Pigs," the population of "Piglets" is growing exponentially. In this modern media age, we find that the conveniences meant for expediency are also gateways to temptation, sin, and bondage we never anticipated... Even for our kids.
If you don't know what Sexting is by now, you are behind Mama, and it is time to catch up. The advent of digital EVERYTHING has somehow erased all sense of modesty. Every whim, impulse and poor choice is being recorded for all the world to see. Our kids have become so infatuated with themselves that they actually believe that others might like to see them at their worst and without inhibitions. Sadly, in these photo shoots, children lack as much common sense as they do clothing.
Don't give me one of those, "but my daughter goes to Christian school," or, "but we go to church every Sunday and Wednesday night," lines. The statistics tell us that even your precious child has likely been exposed to R and even X rated content on the web, but many children are just too embarrassed to talk about it with a parent or adult. However, that embarrassment is not likely to erase curiosity, nor does it seem to discourage peer interaction on the topic. I have been repeatedly floored by the conversations and pictures posted by some of the most lovely, polite, Mary-Jane shod, Christian girls. Don't let the sweet exteriors fool you, they are all subject to temptation.
Then there is the ubiquitous Facebook or MySpace profile picture. Darling, young girls looking up into their hand held cameras, positioned just so as to accentuate their best attempt at bedroom eyes and tantalizing views of brand new cleavage. COME ON! Sister, this is not child's play! This is children play acting their way into an adult world they know little to nothing about. These girls naively post without realizing the danger they are inviting, or the sin they are perpetuating. Yes... I said, "perpetuating." Romans 14:13 says, "Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way." Do you think these tweens and middle schoolers think about what boys... and men... do, or are tempted to do, when they see these pictures? Probably not. If they do, it is time to intervene, Mom; if they don't, it is time to fill them in.
Most girls think that participating in these things will only attract the attention of that cute boy they have their eye on. They never consider that their skinny jeans and tight tops are more explicit than an Anatomy 101 course. It is unlikely that it occurs to them that some pot-bellied, balding, "Old Fart" or their best friend's dad might be eating them alive with their eyes. They don't concern themselves with the starring roles they play in the minds of men and boys whom they wouldn't shake a stick at. They don't guess that they might wish they had a stick to shake, if they found themselves alone with one of these fellas!
Mom, do you know the new fun trend? Signing up on "Hook-up" sites with false identities, fake pictures and nasty language. One of the objectives is to see what lonely men your baby can strike up IM conversations with. If you are thinking, "Yikes," "Gad-Zooks," or "Heavens to Mergatroid," you are just getting a glimpse of how bad and how dastardly this little game is. Let your mind wander for a second on the possibilities and you won't even scratch the actual surface.
Am I being too harsh and dramatic here? I don't think so. Am I grossing you out? Good. Trust me, I don't think that every other man out there is a pervert, but do we really want our daughters unknowingly wagging a bone in front of one that is? I am OVER seeing the faces of beautiful girls pop up on my TV screen, followed by the cries of pleading parents in search of their beloved child. No, I am not suggesting that these girls invited their fates. Many of these kids are simply victims, and never participated in the stuff I describe above... However, the actions of others that elevated the excitement and frustrations of these sick minds sure did. Other insecure souls trusted the kind words of wolves that were dripping with seemingly innocent complements. They sucked up the sugary sweet blather that lured them into their inescapable trap. Either way, a tragedy followed and a blessing of a child's innocence or very life was lost.
What can we do about it? Kick ourselves in the pants for apathy, for starters! Get our lazy eyes off of reality shows and tune into the reality that our kids are subjected to daily. Trust me, there is FAR more drama to be had in middle school than on any Soap or "bake-off" show. Take TWO minutes a day to peek at cell phone texts, Facebook, MySpace and email accounts. YES, you are going to have to get your child's passwords. YES, your requests will likely be met with resistance and irritation... But, HELLO, doesn't that just make you want to investigate all the more? It is time for damage control, Mama. It is time to expose the secrets and talk candidly about dignity and discretion.
Didn't your mom make you sit in the kitchen, in front of her, when you spoke on the phone with a boy? Didn't your mom look at you like you had lost your mind if you asked to show a boy your room? Wouldn't your mom "kill you" if she knew you wrote a love note in class? If not, then sorry, you were short changed and you can do better. Trouble is, there are so many more ways, nowadays, for a girl to get into sticky situations and be lured into exposing what she might not really want to, because these little electronic gadgets make it so darn easy!
Now don't think I am suggesting you pack up and head to Amish country. Our girls need to learn to live in this digital and cyber age safely. But Mom, how are they going to do it if you don't teach them and monitor them? Yeah, they know more about this stuff than you do, but you knew more about modern things than your mom did, too - and you couldn't always sneak one by her. Just the fact that your daughter knows you are interested and vigilant will serve to bolster some self control.
Here are some simple things you can do to curb the possibility of cyber indiscretions:
- Have access to all computer accounts and passwords (even school email accounts - they are not monitored carefully). If you find your child on a non-disclosed account, restrict access to the computer... Honestly, she won't die! Not to mention, it won't change her social status at school... If it does, then she was hanging with the wrong crowd anyway, and you have done her a favor that she just might thank you for in under 15 years.
- Check your child's computer history so you can see where she has been. If your child routinely erases her browsing history, then restrict access - she is going places she knows she shouldn't. Did you know that YouTube is an easy access to porn? Yep, sorry to wreck it for you, but it isn't just about cute or funny video snip-its. This site, and ones like it, would be safer to access with parental supervision.
- Put a "Cyber-Sitter" on your child's computer - and on yours for that matter. You don't need to view the garbage that is out there anymore than she does. A great one is called Covenant Eyes. Go on, give it a google! It is a Christian based organization that strives to protect you and your children from the yuck lurking out there.
- Don't rely solely on your "Cyber-Sitter!" This is lazy parenting, and sitters can't eradicate every creep and creepy thing.
- Check out your child's friends on Facebook, MySpace and other sites. If they have pictures that are inappropriate, remove them from your child's friends list. Better yet, contact that child's parent and let them know what is being posted. I bet you 100 bucks they are unaware and would appreciate your help.
- Check your child's phone records and billing statements. Who is she talking to? Who is she texting? What time of day or night is she communicating? Is she erasing these contacts and messages from her phone? If so, Mama, it is time to put some limits on the phone.
- Call your child's cell phone service provider and remove any internet capabilities, especially if the provider does not offer "Cyber Sitters."
Some folks out there will be thinking, "But that is an invasion of their privacy." Really? What privacy? Privacy is earned, it is a privilege. Someone else might be sympathetic to their child's social standing, and be thinking, "This would be social suicide." Mom, it is time to put your daughter's safety and dignity before her popularity.
I know this all sounds like work. I know you have limited time, but the investment you make now will reap great dividends later, and you will have no regrets.
So, just one more thing to do...
Pray. Pray. Pray. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more important to your daughter's well being. Pray that God would put a foul taste in her spiritual mouth when she sees or hears unclean things. Pray that she would not be able to ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and would only find true rest and satisfaction in Him. Pray that she will hunger and thirst for the righteousness of God. Pray that she will leave any insecurities behind that might outweigh what she knows to be right and true. Pray that she will find her true worth and security in Christ, and that His opinion of her will be all that matters to her. Pray that when she sins, her heart will be convicted, and will drive her to her knees at the foot of the cross, allowing Him to forgive her, pick her up, dust her off, and set her on a new path free of guilt and shame. He is able to do all things!
I Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
Bible references taken from the New International version
There's just no skirting around this one, is there ladies? This verse is directly pointed at the world we live in... Worse, there are no longer just "Pigs," the population of "Piglets" is growing exponentially. In this modern media age, we find that the conveniences meant for expediency are also gateways to temptation, sin, and bondage we never anticipated... Even for our kids.
If you don't know what Sexting is by now, you are behind Mama, and it is time to catch up. The advent of digital EVERYTHING has somehow erased all sense of modesty. Every whim, impulse and poor choice is being recorded for all the world to see. Our kids have become so infatuated with themselves that they actually believe that others might like to see them at their worst and without inhibitions. Sadly, in these photo shoots, children lack as much common sense as they do clothing.
Don't give me one of those, "but my daughter goes to Christian school," or, "but we go to church every Sunday and Wednesday night," lines. The statistics tell us that even your precious child has likely been exposed to R and even X rated content on the web, but many children are just too embarrassed to talk about it with a parent or adult. However, that embarrassment is not likely to erase curiosity, nor does it seem to discourage peer interaction on the topic. I have been repeatedly floored by the conversations and pictures posted by some of the most lovely, polite, Mary-Jane shod, Christian girls. Don't let the sweet exteriors fool you, they are all subject to temptation.
Then there is the ubiquitous Facebook or MySpace profile picture. Darling, young girls looking up into their hand held cameras, positioned just so as to accentuate their best attempt at bedroom eyes and tantalizing views of brand new cleavage. COME ON! Sister, this is not child's play! This is children play acting their way into an adult world they know little to nothing about. These girls naively post without realizing the danger they are inviting, or the sin they are perpetuating. Yes... I said, "perpetuating." Romans 14:13 says, "Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way." Do you think these tweens and middle schoolers think about what boys... and men... do, or are tempted to do, when they see these pictures? Probably not. If they do, it is time to intervene, Mom; if they don't, it is time to fill them in.
Most girls think that participating in these things will only attract the attention of that cute boy they have their eye on. They never consider that their skinny jeans and tight tops are more explicit than an Anatomy 101 course. It is unlikely that it occurs to them that some pot-bellied, balding, "Old Fart" or their best friend's dad might be eating them alive with their eyes. They don't concern themselves with the starring roles they play in the minds of men and boys whom they wouldn't shake a stick at. They don't guess that they might wish they had a stick to shake, if they found themselves alone with one of these fellas!
Mom, do you know the new fun trend? Signing up on "Hook-up" sites with false identities, fake pictures and nasty language. One of the objectives is to see what lonely men your baby can strike up IM conversations with. If you are thinking, "Yikes," "Gad-Zooks," or "Heavens to Mergatroid," you are just getting a glimpse of how bad and how dastardly this little game is. Let your mind wander for a second on the possibilities and you won't even scratch the actual surface.
Am I being too harsh and dramatic here? I don't think so. Am I grossing you out? Good. Trust me, I don't think that every other man out there is a pervert, but do we really want our daughters unknowingly wagging a bone in front of one that is? I am OVER seeing the faces of beautiful girls pop up on my TV screen, followed by the cries of pleading parents in search of their beloved child. No, I am not suggesting that these girls invited their fates. Many of these kids are simply victims, and never participated in the stuff I describe above... However, the actions of others that elevated the excitement and frustrations of these sick minds sure did. Other insecure souls trusted the kind words of wolves that were dripping with seemingly innocent complements. They sucked up the sugary sweet blather that lured them into their inescapable trap. Either way, a tragedy followed and a blessing of a child's innocence or very life was lost.
What can we do about it? Kick ourselves in the pants for apathy, for starters! Get our lazy eyes off of reality shows and tune into the reality that our kids are subjected to daily. Trust me, there is FAR more drama to be had in middle school than on any Soap or "bake-off" show. Take TWO minutes a day to peek at cell phone texts, Facebook, MySpace and email accounts. YES, you are going to have to get your child's passwords. YES, your requests will likely be met with resistance and irritation... But, HELLO, doesn't that just make you want to investigate all the more? It is time for damage control, Mama. It is time to expose the secrets and talk candidly about dignity and discretion.
Didn't your mom make you sit in the kitchen, in front of her, when you spoke on the phone with a boy? Didn't your mom look at you like you had lost your mind if you asked to show a boy your room? Wouldn't your mom "kill you" if she knew you wrote a love note in class? If not, then sorry, you were short changed and you can do better. Trouble is, there are so many more ways, nowadays, for a girl to get into sticky situations and be lured into exposing what she might not really want to, because these little electronic gadgets make it so darn easy!
Now don't think I am suggesting you pack up and head to Amish country. Our girls need to learn to live in this digital and cyber age safely. But Mom, how are they going to do it if you don't teach them and monitor them? Yeah, they know more about this stuff than you do, but you knew more about modern things than your mom did, too - and you couldn't always sneak one by her. Just the fact that your daughter knows you are interested and vigilant will serve to bolster some self control.
Here are some simple things you can do to curb the possibility of cyber indiscretions:
- Have access to all computer accounts and passwords (even school email accounts - they are not monitored carefully). If you find your child on a non-disclosed account, restrict access to the computer... Honestly, she won't die! Not to mention, it won't change her social status at school... If it does, then she was hanging with the wrong crowd anyway, and you have done her a favor that she just might thank you for in under 15 years.
- Check your child's computer history so you can see where she has been. If your child routinely erases her browsing history, then restrict access - she is going places she knows she shouldn't. Did you know that YouTube is an easy access to porn? Yep, sorry to wreck it for you, but it isn't just about cute or funny video snip-its. This site, and ones like it, would be safer to access with parental supervision.
- Put a "Cyber-Sitter" on your child's computer - and on yours for that matter. You don't need to view the garbage that is out there anymore than she does. A great one is called Covenant Eyes. Go on, give it a google! It is a Christian based organization that strives to protect you and your children from the yuck lurking out there.
- Don't rely solely on your "Cyber-Sitter!" This is lazy parenting, and sitters can't eradicate every creep and creepy thing.
- Check out your child's friends on Facebook, MySpace and other sites. If they have pictures that are inappropriate, remove them from your child's friends list. Better yet, contact that child's parent and let them know what is being posted. I bet you 100 bucks they are unaware and would appreciate your help.
- Check your child's phone records and billing statements. Who is she talking to? Who is she texting? What time of day or night is she communicating? Is she erasing these contacts and messages from her phone? If so, Mama, it is time to put some limits on the phone.
- Call your child's cell phone service provider and remove any internet capabilities, especially if the provider does not offer "Cyber Sitters."
Some folks out there will be thinking, "But that is an invasion of their privacy." Really? What privacy? Privacy is earned, it is a privilege. Someone else might be sympathetic to their child's social standing, and be thinking, "This would be social suicide." Mom, it is time to put your daughter's safety and dignity before her popularity.
I know this all sounds like work. I know you have limited time, but the investment you make now will reap great dividends later, and you will have no regrets.
So, just one more thing to do...
Pray. Pray. Pray. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more important to your daughter's well being. Pray that God would put a foul taste in her spiritual mouth when she sees or hears unclean things. Pray that she would not be able to ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and would only find true rest and satisfaction in Him. Pray that she will hunger and thirst for the righteousness of God. Pray that she will leave any insecurities behind that might outweigh what she knows to be right and true. Pray that she will find her true worth and security in Christ, and that His opinion of her will be all that matters to her. Pray that when she sins, her heart will be convicted, and will drive her to her knees at the foot of the cross, allowing Him to forgive her, pick her up, dust her off, and set her on a new path free of guilt and shame. He is able to do all things!
I Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
Bible references taken from the New International version
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
There's Something About Mary
Isaiah 54:10 Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.
Do we believe those words? Do we really trust that God has compassion on us when someone like my friend Mary finds out she has cancer? Why Lord? Why would You let this happen to our beautiful, full of life, loving, joyful Mary? Mary is one of those people that EVERYONE likes and you never hear a negative about her or from her. She gives everyday all she has, serving her God, her husband, her family and anyone in need. She takes every opportunity to love and encourage others. Her smile and enthusiasm are contagious. She is one of those dear Sisters who has more time for you than you have for yourself.
Hearing her news hit me like a ton of bricks... It brought up that age old question for God, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Surely, God loves us! He doesn't want us to suffer and He wants good things for His children... Right? This is certainly true, but where is the bridge from this truth to the other reality that Mary has a life-threatening disease?
Unfortunately, as we are readily aware, we live in a fallen world. Sin and corruption can often seem closer in everyday life than God Himself. Plain and simply, the culprit of all the bad things is sin. Sin, the decision to satisfy the flesh instead of being obedient to our God, has put our dear Sister in this perilous position. NOT her sin, mind you. I am talking about the fall, when mankind decided to sin against God and this world changed from one of perfection in paradise to a mere shadow of all He intended it to be.
God, acting in His disappointment in mankind, could have wiped us out right then. But instead, acting in His love for us and knowing that He would have to make the ultimate sacrifice for our selfishness, decided to give us free choice as we live out our days in the "bed" we made for ourselves. God gave us the opportunity to choose between sin and Him, so that we might come to Him of our own free will and know His goodness despite the evil that surrounds us in this fallen world. So, even if we choose to live our lives for God and walk with Him spiritually, we still physically walk in a world that has wandered far from Him and are temporarily trapped in bodies that desire to go their own way. The consequence of sin leaves us in this fragile condition of susceptibility to the unhappy things of this world. (John 16:33)
However (and here comes the good part), our hope lies in that God sent His Son as a ransom for that sin. (Romans 6:23) So that, if we believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, we are forgiven and can expect to live with Him for eternity as He intended (Romans 10:9). When we turn our lives over to Him, He sees us through the sanctifying lens of the sacrifice of His Son and promises to use ALL things for good in our lives because we love Him... YES! He can even use Mary's cancer for good. (Romans 8:28) God does not promise that living this life will be easy, even if we are walking with Him, but He does promise it will be fulfilling. (John 15:5, 16, Ephesians 2:10) If we open our hearts to God, He is able to fill us by His Holy Spirit with His deep indwelling peace and joy, giving us strength and hope as we follow Him, even through the midst of tragedy.
Really, in a strange way, there is no better person than Mary to get cancer. Uh-oh, I got your attention with that one, right? Hang on and stick with me here. In no way do I want my friend to suffer! Yet, her testimony in this difficult season is already touching and ministering to many, and will continue to do so. Mary is grounded in her faith and the unfailing love of God, because He has given her a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) God's covenant of peace in her heart cannot be removed, not even by cancer! God has promised to use all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28), and He is using this disease to reveal the solid foundation of faith Mary has allowed Him to grow in her heart! She is able to look at this chapter of her life with joy and expectancy, waiting to see how He will use this for her good and the good of those she loves and comes in contact with. She sent me a note the other day and in it she said, "It has been a fun ride so far. Yes, I do mean fun." This is only possible by the grace and love of our Father. The joy of the Lord is her strength! (Nehemiah 8:10)
Mary's desire to walk hand in hand with her Lord through this will serve to glorify her Father in heaven. She is allowing Christ to live out this hardship through her, and eyes will see and ears will hear the witness of Christ in her. 2 Corinthians 4:7 says, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves." She will reap the reward in heaven someday as she sees the lives that were changed because of her faith and decision to let her light shine for Jesus in any circumstance. These lives touched will be the gems of her eternal crown. (1 Thessalonians 2:19)
Anyone who knows Mary, knows the joy and giggle of amazement in seeing her running down unexpected roads. While the rest of us are driving to the grocery store or post office, Mary is taking a run to somewhere and back, with a smile for anyone who whizzes by. We live in different places now, but just the sight of her stretching her legs would give me a little "kick in the pants," and I would feel an extra degree of motivation for the day. Her life reminds me of 1 Corinthians 9:24 "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. (NASB)" Seeing her run is such an incredible illustration of what is the drive of her heart. Although she takes great care of her body, it is still simply a vehicle to carry her through this life of loving others, and into the hands of Jesus. Mary's focus is on the eternal, so her body is already of little consequence to her. (Revelation 12:11)
I pray that Mary is completely healed of this disease, and we know that God is able! In the meantime, Mary is able to rest in her Father and continue to enjoy life, even in adversity, because she knows that God holds the number of her days in His loving hands. (Psalm 139:16) Cancer is not in control, God is! What a blessing and promise! I am so thankful for Mary and the depth of her love and trust of her Savior! Thank you, Mary, for your example and testimony, we dearly love you.
Do you have a peace in your heart like Mary's? Do you want to live even the darkest of days with a deep indwelling joy that cannot be extinguished? God is ready to do that miracle in your heart and mine, all we need to do is ask! (Matthew 7:7)
John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Romans 8:6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. (NASB)
All Bible references take from the New International Version unless otherwise noted.
Do we believe those words? Do we really trust that God has compassion on us when someone like my friend Mary finds out she has cancer? Why Lord? Why would You let this happen to our beautiful, full of life, loving, joyful Mary? Mary is one of those people that EVERYONE likes and you never hear a negative about her or from her. She gives everyday all she has, serving her God, her husband, her family and anyone in need. She takes every opportunity to love and encourage others. Her smile and enthusiasm are contagious. She is one of those dear Sisters who has more time for you than you have for yourself.
Hearing her news hit me like a ton of bricks... It brought up that age old question for God, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Surely, God loves us! He doesn't want us to suffer and He wants good things for His children... Right? This is certainly true, but where is the bridge from this truth to the other reality that Mary has a life-threatening disease?
Unfortunately, as we are readily aware, we live in a fallen world. Sin and corruption can often seem closer in everyday life than God Himself. Plain and simply, the culprit of all the bad things is sin. Sin, the decision to satisfy the flesh instead of being obedient to our God, has put our dear Sister in this perilous position. NOT her sin, mind you. I am talking about the fall, when mankind decided to sin against God and this world changed from one of perfection in paradise to a mere shadow of all He intended it to be.
God, acting in His disappointment in mankind, could have wiped us out right then. But instead, acting in His love for us and knowing that He would have to make the ultimate sacrifice for our selfishness, decided to give us free choice as we live out our days in the "bed" we made for ourselves. God gave us the opportunity to choose between sin and Him, so that we might come to Him of our own free will and know His goodness despite the evil that surrounds us in this fallen world. So, even if we choose to live our lives for God and walk with Him spiritually, we still physically walk in a world that has wandered far from Him and are temporarily trapped in bodies that desire to go their own way. The consequence of sin leaves us in this fragile condition of susceptibility to the unhappy things of this world. (John 16:33)
However (and here comes the good part), our hope lies in that God sent His Son as a ransom for that sin. (Romans 6:23) So that, if we believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, we are forgiven and can expect to live with Him for eternity as He intended (Romans 10:9). When we turn our lives over to Him, He sees us through the sanctifying lens of the sacrifice of His Son and promises to use ALL things for good in our lives because we love Him... YES! He can even use Mary's cancer for good. (Romans 8:28) God does not promise that living this life will be easy, even if we are walking with Him, but He does promise it will be fulfilling. (John 15:5, 16, Ephesians 2:10) If we open our hearts to God, He is able to fill us by His Holy Spirit with His deep indwelling peace and joy, giving us strength and hope as we follow Him, even through the midst of tragedy.
Really, in a strange way, there is no better person than Mary to get cancer. Uh-oh, I got your attention with that one, right? Hang on and stick with me here. In no way do I want my friend to suffer! Yet, her testimony in this difficult season is already touching and ministering to many, and will continue to do so. Mary is grounded in her faith and the unfailing love of God, because He has given her a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) God's covenant of peace in her heart cannot be removed, not even by cancer! God has promised to use all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28), and He is using this disease to reveal the solid foundation of faith Mary has allowed Him to grow in her heart! She is able to look at this chapter of her life with joy and expectancy, waiting to see how He will use this for her good and the good of those she loves and comes in contact with. She sent me a note the other day and in it she said, "It has been a fun ride so far. Yes, I do mean fun." This is only possible by the grace and love of our Father. The joy of the Lord is her strength! (Nehemiah 8:10)
Mary's desire to walk hand in hand with her Lord through this will serve to glorify her Father in heaven. She is allowing Christ to live out this hardship through her, and eyes will see and ears will hear the witness of Christ in her. 2 Corinthians 4:7 says, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves." She will reap the reward in heaven someday as she sees the lives that were changed because of her faith and decision to let her light shine for Jesus in any circumstance. These lives touched will be the gems of her eternal crown. (1 Thessalonians 2:19)
Anyone who knows Mary, knows the joy and giggle of amazement in seeing her running down unexpected roads. While the rest of us are driving to the grocery store or post office, Mary is taking a run to somewhere and back, with a smile for anyone who whizzes by. We live in different places now, but just the sight of her stretching her legs would give me a little "kick in the pants," and I would feel an extra degree of motivation for the day. Her life reminds me of 1 Corinthians 9:24 "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. (NASB)" Seeing her run is such an incredible illustration of what is the drive of her heart. Although she takes great care of her body, it is still simply a vehicle to carry her through this life of loving others, and into the hands of Jesus. Mary's focus is on the eternal, so her body is already of little consequence to her. (Revelation 12:11)
I pray that Mary is completely healed of this disease, and we know that God is able! In the meantime, Mary is able to rest in her Father and continue to enjoy life, even in adversity, because she knows that God holds the number of her days in His loving hands. (Psalm 139:16) Cancer is not in control, God is! What a blessing and promise! I am so thankful for Mary and the depth of her love and trust of her Savior! Thank you, Mary, for your example and testimony, we dearly love you.
Do you have a peace in your heart like Mary's? Do you want to live even the darkest of days with a deep indwelling joy that cannot be extinguished? God is ready to do that miracle in your heart and mine, all we need to do is ask! (Matthew 7:7)
John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Romans 8:6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. (NASB)
All Bible references take from the New International Version unless otherwise noted.
Monday, August 16, 2010
New Creations in Christ
Psalm 51:1 & 17 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions... The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart.
Watching people publicly throw off their old life and lay all that they are at the feet of Jesus is an awesome sight to behold. Baptism never ceases to grab hold of my heart and remind me of the sacrifice Christ made for us on the cross. My heart is filled to overflowing as His love trickles over from the washing and cleansing of other souls. Baptism seems to be as much for the body of Christ in witness, as it is for the believer in proclamation.
Psalm 51:2 Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.
One little boy grabbed the mike to introduce himself, he couldn't have been more than six years old. He told those gathered there that he wants to live for Jesus, and then live with Him in heaven. Faith... Sweet, beautiful faith, coupled with wisdom, clarity, and boldness that only the Spirit can provide.
Psalm 51:6 Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
A man, still in his Sunday best, stepped into the pool with his young daughter and lovingly held her as she was baptized... Then, he too gave himself away for the grace of the cross. Joy flooded his drenched face as he was brought up from the water. Tears flowed from the eyes of other believers with whispers of, "Yes Jesus," and, "Thank you Jesus." Then all broke into cheers and applause as they welcomed him into the family of God.
Psalm 51:7-9 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.
This man had been saved that very day, being born again through repentance and faith. Then he publicly professed his new faith through a brief testimony and baptism, soaking his "dry clean only" clothes in front of complete strangers without a second thought. The overwhelming love of Christ that was poured out on Him through the Holy Spirit became his focus and direction while he simultaneously became a new creation, throwing off the old life and entering the new.
Psalm 51:14-15 Save me from bloodguilt, O God, the God who saves me, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.
Isn't God amazing?! Isn't He good?! Even more, He blessed those there with the privilege of witnessing such a gift, such love, and change in the lives and hearts of new brothers and sisters that only He is capable of! Hallelujah!
Psalm 51: 10-12 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
I am reminded of those beautiful words penned by Frances R. Havergal,
Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King.
Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee.
Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose.
Take my will, and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne.
Take my love, my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for Thee.
May your heart be renewed today in the height, depth and breadth of God's love for you. He is ABLE!
Photography by Samantha Rigelsky
All Bible references taken from the New International Version.
Monday, July 26, 2010
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Praise God!
Praise God!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Taste and See that the Lord is Good!
I have a dear Sister that was assigned to me... That's right, she was directed to take me on and love me. It reminds me of my dad's saying when he would joke with us, "You were so goofy looking when you were little; we had to tie a pork chop around your neck so the dog would play with you!" We kids thought that was so funny, and we would laugh and laugh. Anyway, I was such a mess in my twenties and early thirties, spiritually, that no one would have wanted to be tasked with loving me no matter what delicacy was dangling from my neck!
Don't get the wrong idea here, I am not feeling sorry for myself at all. When I look back and think of all the trouble I had gotten myself into, and how much I wanted others to see my "plight" and feel compassion for me on my terms... I wonder how this dear Sister was able to stick it out with me. But then, she never told me what I wanted to hear either, she told me the Truth. As she walked with me, and faithfully told me God's Truth in Love, I began to gain an appetite for it.
This dear Sister invited me to call her anytime, day or night... I think back to this open ended invitation and it floors me. She is a wife and home school mother to three, while keeping another part-time job. Her plate was full and I know sleep had to be a scarce and sacred commodity. Yet, when I called in the wee hours of the morning and drug her out of her cozy bed and away from the nearness of her husband, she never complained. She simply readied herself to listen and answer honestly in Truth. As painful as it was to hear sometimes, I always went away feeling as though my malnourished heart and mind had been fed a healthy and satisfying meal. I left with a good taste in my spiritual mouth and could fall asleep and rest, as my heart digested the Word and wisdom God faithfully spoke through her. Her and her family's selflessness and sacrifice was true love, used by the Father to help save me and spur me on down the path I had wandered so far from.
I often think of my Sister's marvelous ability to relate all the blessings and Truths of God's Word to food. The Word says in Psalm 34:8, "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him," and that is exactly how she related God's Word to me through those years, and still today. God, in His clever and awesome orchestration knew full well how I would respond to those illustrations. Those that know me best understand that in my mind, all things pleasurable revolve around good food and conversation. God gave me the gift of a friend that is closer than a brother and could teach me to feast on the Word of God.
You might hear her say of a good book or testimony, "Yum! That was so chalk full of Truth, I had to munch, crunch and chew on that for a few days... Delicious!" In passing, you may think she was talking about her most recent and delightful gastronomic experience, when in fact; it is actually her spirit that is devouring delectable dishes of Truth. It is her spirit that she keeps well fed, which in turn, continues to grow a strong and healthy faith, steeped in the blessings and riches of Christ. Her carefully trained and sensitive palate relishes the sweet milk of God's Word, while sipping on the tender love and gentleness of the Father. Carefully, mulling over, tasting and testing each glorious promise, savoring each enticing aroma of hope, grace and salvation.
Yet, she also has a great appetite and sturdy gut for the bold, rich fare of meat in God's Word; meat that smacks of careful and honest reflection. Her devoted heart demands that nothing is wasted and that her spirit receives and responds to all that the Father holds for her. Robust and sharp flavors linger, flavors that need time and discipline to become acquired tastes of the heart and spirit. Sometimes shocking piquant morsels, that others may purposely ignore or miss, are sought after to wake the spirit and provoke growth and broadened understanding.
This is who I want to be. One that truly hungers and thirsts for the righteousness of God, desiring His Truth at the cost of complacent comfort. Thank you, Sister, for your love, example, and testimony. Thank you for your heart and belly for Jesus!
Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Isaiah 55:1-2 Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.
All Bible references taken from the New International Version.
Don't get the wrong idea here, I am not feeling sorry for myself at all. When I look back and think of all the trouble I had gotten myself into, and how much I wanted others to see my "plight" and feel compassion for me on my terms... I wonder how this dear Sister was able to stick it out with me. But then, she never told me what I wanted to hear either, she told me the Truth. As she walked with me, and faithfully told me God's Truth in Love, I began to gain an appetite for it.
This dear Sister invited me to call her anytime, day or night... I think back to this open ended invitation and it floors me. She is a wife and home school mother to three, while keeping another part-time job. Her plate was full and I know sleep had to be a scarce and sacred commodity. Yet, when I called in the wee hours of the morning and drug her out of her cozy bed and away from the nearness of her husband, she never complained. She simply readied herself to listen and answer honestly in Truth. As painful as it was to hear sometimes, I always went away feeling as though my malnourished heart and mind had been fed a healthy and satisfying meal. I left with a good taste in my spiritual mouth and could fall asleep and rest, as my heart digested the Word and wisdom God faithfully spoke through her. Her and her family's selflessness and sacrifice was true love, used by the Father to help save me and spur me on down the path I had wandered so far from.
I often think of my Sister's marvelous ability to relate all the blessings and Truths of God's Word to food. The Word says in Psalm 34:8, "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him," and that is exactly how she related God's Word to me through those years, and still today. God, in His clever and awesome orchestration knew full well how I would respond to those illustrations. Those that know me best understand that in my mind, all things pleasurable revolve around good food and conversation. God gave me the gift of a friend that is closer than a brother and could teach me to feast on the Word of God.
You might hear her say of a good book or testimony, "Yum! That was so chalk full of Truth, I had to munch, crunch and chew on that for a few days... Delicious!" In passing, you may think she was talking about her most recent and delightful gastronomic experience, when in fact; it is actually her spirit that is devouring delectable dishes of Truth. It is her spirit that she keeps well fed, which in turn, continues to grow a strong and healthy faith, steeped in the blessings and riches of Christ. Her carefully trained and sensitive palate relishes the sweet milk of God's Word, while sipping on the tender love and gentleness of the Father. Carefully, mulling over, tasting and testing each glorious promise, savoring each enticing aroma of hope, grace and salvation.
Yet, she also has a great appetite and sturdy gut for the bold, rich fare of meat in God's Word; meat that smacks of careful and honest reflection. Her devoted heart demands that nothing is wasted and that her spirit receives and responds to all that the Father holds for her. Robust and sharp flavors linger, flavors that need time and discipline to become acquired tastes of the heart and spirit. Sometimes shocking piquant morsels, that others may purposely ignore or miss, are sought after to wake the spirit and provoke growth and broadened understanding.
This is who I want to be. One that truly hungers and thirsts for the righteousness of God, desiring His Truth at the cost of complacent comfort. Thank you, Sister, for your love, example, and testimony. Thank you for your heart and belly for Jesus!
Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Isaiah 55:1-2 Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.
All Bible references taken from the New International Version.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Daughter of the King or Drama Queen?
Have you been sucked in by the drama of Housewives? Either in the semi-reality display on our cable TV or in the comfort of our own neighborhoods, sometimes even in our church families, it plays out. We would like to pretend that we have risen above our seventh grade antics of gossiping, ugly stares, cold shoulders, cliques and the rest... But, have we really, or have we just graduated into more expensive shoes and bigger bras? If we don't actively participate in the shenanigans, it can be tempting to gawk from the sidelines for a giggle or a snicker.
Chicks are tough, there is no doubt about it. From a very early age, the female mind can size up another person in seconds flat, determining everything from taste and status to confidence and likability. Of course the scale or measuring stick is completely subjective and subject to instantaneous adjustment by the assessor. However, in the female world, subjective is king or should I say, "queen."
Sadly, all of it... and I mean ALL of it, stems from feelings of insecurity. Even more tragic, is that it passes from mother to daughter with more ease than most genetic traits. Daughters quickly pick up on their mother's responses and reactions and begin to deal with the world and women around them in a very similar way. Catty responses slide off the tongue with greater ease as the years pass. What should bring admiration for the complexity and diversity of God's creation in other women, instead begins to beckon disdain and irritation. It becomes simpler to dislike someone for what makes them special than to explore the gift God has offered there. Walls are built, and a few "Besties" or "BFFs" are allowed inside. Often though, these "close" friends never truly search out the depths of each other's spirits, because to expose a soft side to anyone could be social suicide.
Sisters, if we don't take the time to expose and correct these lies in our own hearts and minds and truly learn who we are in Christ, we run the risk of sending our own daughters down a road of dissatisfaction, discontentment, and disappointment. If we place our confidence and worth in anything other than our Lord and Savior, we are setting ourselves up for nothing but regret. What an empty offer to our daughters.
If your daughter's confidence is in her beauty, she will be disappointed because it is fleeting and flawed, even though those flaws may be difficult for you to see. If her confidence is in her intellect, she will be disappointed when she is stumped in its limitations. If her confidence is in her popularity, she will be disappointed when someone else upstages her since infatuation is fickle. If her confidence is in her wealth, she will be disappointed when she finds it cannot buy her love, security, friends or faithfulness. If her confidence in her position, she will be disappointed to find there is always someone above her. If her confidence is in her sexuality and ability to seduce, she will be disappointed when the man she desires is looking for more depth than she can offer; and hurt when she realizes that the men who are drawn to her are not interested in her heart, but only their own selfish gratification.
All the things that the world holds in esteem are only empty promises of satisfaction and happiness. The thrill WILL be temporary and won't provide lifelong fulfillment, joy or peace. In fact, because these worldly ideals are temporal and ever changing, they only create feelings of fear and anxiety... A girl will eventually know deep down that there is no real security in these things, but because she has never experienced the true acceptance of Christ, she will continue to work tirelessly to produce acceptance from the world. Fear of rejection can override all common sense and is the cause of countless casualties of virtue (Proverbs 11:22).
Insecurity grabs hold as the heart looks to avoid the world’s rejection and self-preservation is sought at all costs. Girls learn early that they must be the best, and if they are not, they must bring down those getting in their way. You know the drill; this is where "Mean Girl" meets "Victim Girl." It is hard to not be one or the other, unless you are the girl who is sucking up to the "Mean Girl," in attempt to keep her off of your own back. The drama unfolds as the female mind convinces herself that if she draws attention to other people's flaws, the focus of the world audience will shift, and hopefully, no one will notice her own. It becomes an endless cycle that isolates women from others, when God has actually wired us to grow and thrive in relationships. In the insecure heart lives a girl who never really rests and trusts, knowing more loneliness than she would care to admit.
If we allow ourselves to believe that anything is more important about us than how God views us, we will be insecure for as long as we believe it, and so will our girls. They may not be able to express it fully, but deep down they understand that their beauty and abilities are limited, finite, and unreliable - no one can fully rest and trust in themselves or their own flawed human frailty. Only Jesus is limitless, infinite and totally reliable. He is where we can truly rest, trust and find confidence (2 Corinthians 12:9).
A daughter of the Most High God, who knows where her true value lies, has a grace, assurance and confidence that are not shattered by the world's definition of beauty or value. Harsh words, mean stares and cold shoulders of cruel, insecure girls are only inconvenient, not catastrophic. She understands that their response to her is immaturity and insecurity. She can learn to see them as God sees them, and have compassion and sympathy for them in their fruitless pursuits. She can love them with Christ’s love, as He first loved her. She can see their perspective as a lack of Christ in their lives, recognizing that they are not fully trusting in God for their value and leading. She knows that only her God is unchanging and only His perspective, plan and purpose matter! Despite what anyone says or thinks - peace, joy and contentment come in the knowing that He has a future and a hope for her (Jeremiah 29:11)
The Lord desires to show you His Truth that will protect your heart and not allow the destructive lies of the world to derail your self-worth... or maybe better put, your "God-worth." He is ABLE!
Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Philippians 3:20-21 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
All Bible references taken from the New International Version.
Chicks are tough, there is no doubt about it. From a very early age, the female mind can size up another person in seconds flat, determining everything from taste and status to confidence and likability. Of course the scale or measuring stick is completely subjective and subject to instantaneous adjustment by the assessor. However, in the female world, subjective is king or should I say, "queen."
Sadly, all of it... and I mean ALL of it, stems from feelings of insecurity. Even more tragic, is that it passes from mother to daughter with more ease than most genetic traits. Daughters quickly pick up on their mother's responses and reactions and begin to deal with the world and women around them in a very similar way. Catty responses slide off the tongue with greater ease as the years pass. What should bring admiration for the complexity and diversity of God's creation in other women, instead begins to beckon disdain and irritation. It becomes simpler to dislike someone for what makes them special than to explore the gift God has offered there. Walls are built, and a few "Besties" or "BFFs" are allowed inside. Often though, these "close" friends never truly search out the depths of each other's spirits, because to expose a soft side to anyone could be social suicide.
Sisters, if we don't take the time to expose and correct these lies in our own hearts and minds and truly learn who we are in Christ, we run the risk of sending our own daughters down a road of dissatisfaction, discontentment, and disappointment. If we place our confidence and worth in anything other than our Lord and Savior, we are setting ourselves up for nothing but regret. What an empty offer to our daughters.
If your daughter's confidence is in her beauty, she will be disappointed because it is fleeting and flawed, even though those flaws may be difficult for you to see. If her confidence is in her intellect, she will be disappointed when she is stumped in its limitations. If her confidence is in her popularity, she will be disappointed when someone else upstages her since infatuation is fickle. If her confidence is in her wealth, she will be disappointed when she finds it cannot buy her love, security, friends or faithfulness. If her confidence in her position, she will be disappointed to find there is always someone above her. If her confidence is in her sexuality and ability to seduce, she will be disappointed when the man she desires is looking for more depth than she can offer; and hurt when she realizes that the men who are drawn to her are not interested in her heart, but only their own selfish gratification.
All the things that the world holds in esteem are only empty promises of satisfaction and happiness. The thrill WILL be temporary and won't provide lifelong fulfillment, joy or peace. In fact, because these worldly ideals are temporal and ever changing, they only create feelings of fear and anxiety... A girl will eventually know deep down that there is no real security in these things, but because she has never experienced the true acceptance of Christ, she will continue to work tirelessly to produce acceptance from the world. Fear of rejection can override all common sense and is the cause of countless casualties of virtue (Proverbs 11:22).
Insecurity grabs hold as the heart looks to avoid the world’s rejection and self-preservation is sought at all costs. Girls learn early that they must be the best, and if they are not, they must bring down those getting in their way. You know the drill; this is where "Mean Girl" meets "Victim Girl." It is hard to not be one or the other, unless you are the girl who is sucking up to the "Mean Girl," in attempt to keep her off of your own back. The drama unfolds as the female mind convinces herself that if she draws attention to other people's flaws, the focus of the world audience will shift, and hopefully, no one will notice her own. It becomes an endless cycle that isolates women from others, when God has actually wired us to grow and thrive in relationships. In the insecure heart lives a girl who never really rests and trusts, knowing more loneliness than she would care to admit.
If we allow ourselves to believe that anything is more important about us than how God views us, we will be insecure for as long as we believe it, and so will our girls. They may not be able to express it fully, but deep down they understand that their beauty and abilities are limited, finite, and unreliable - no one can fully rest and trust in themselves or their own flawed human frailty. Only Jesus is limitless, infinite and totally reliable. He is where we can truly rest, trust and find confidence (2 Corinthians 12:9).
A daughter of the Most High God, who knows where her true value lies, has a grace, assurance and confidence that are not shattered by the world's definition of beauty or value. Harsh words, mean stares and cold shoulders of cruel, insecure girls are only inconvenient, not catastrophic. She understands that their response to her is immaturity and insecurity. She can learn to see them as God sees them, and have compassion and sympathy for them in their fruitless pursuits. She can love them with Christ’s love, as He first loved her. She can see their perspective as a lack of Christ in their lives, recognizing that they are not fully trusting in God for their value and leading. She knows that only her God is unchanging and only His perspective, plan and purpose matter! Despite what anyone says or thinks - peace, joy and contentment come in the knowing that He has a future and a hope for her (Jeremiah 29:11)
The Lord desires to show you His Truth that will protect your heart and not allow the destructive lies of the world to derail your self-worth... or maybe better put, your "God-worth." He is ABLE!
Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Philippians 3:20-21 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
All Bible references taken from the New International Version.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Food, Fun and Freedom
For years I looked forward to the fourth of July for the food, fun and lit up night sky. The sound of birds chirping, flags flapping in the breeze, and squeals from squirt gun fights. Little ones entranced with the marvel of holding sparklers, while simultaneously feeling anxious at the gradual procession of flame down the wand toward their chubby fingers. The air smelling of seared meat, citronella, sunscreen, burnt matches, cut grass, and sweaty kids; a marvelous concoction that can lour even the biggest Party-Poop out and into a lawn chair. A reason to miss work and the expectation to make a mess, irresistible!
It wasn't until I was in my thirties and married to a career Navy-man, that I actually began to consider the celebration in a different light. The turning point for me was one of many opportunities to see my husband salute the flag and stand at attention for the National Anthem... In that moment I began to realize the full weight of symbolism our flag and great hymn of freedom held, being won at the loss of dearly loved husbands, fathers, sons and brothers. The often gruesome endings these patriots realized while never expecting their names to be written on a monument or found in a history book. Yet they gave all they had, that we might enjoy the freedoms we know today.
How often do we think of the lives lost so that we might read God's Word without fear of being thrown in prison or even killed? Do we ever consider in the car on the way to church, that people died so that we could come together in fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ? Do the fireworks remind us of what they were intended to symbolize, "the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air," and the death of freedom fighters who paid the ultimate price so that our opinions and beliefs might be protected and heard? It is sobering, isn’t it? Yet, still a marvel to celebrate! What a heritage, what a country, what a gift to live in the United States of America! A land where each citizen holds an inheritance that grants them the opportunity to realize their dreams. An inheritance left by selfless people who sacrificed their life to make their dream of freedom real for you and I, while never having the opportunity to experience liberty themselves. Incredible.
If you have the opportunity this weekend or in the days to come, thank a soldier or veteran for the selfless decisions they have made to protect and serve, so that we might continue to enjoy the land of the free and the home of the brave.
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His Glory and Grace...
Helen H. Lemmel
Oh, how messy life can be! You might feel as though you've got it all pretty squared away and the things of life are moving along in the right direction... and WHAM! Someone, or something, puts a kink in your air hose and you find yourself fighting to reach the surface of sanity and for a breath of relief. All of a sudden, you are struggling to keep your head above the waters of despair, grief, anger, fear, or all of the above. We fight against the feelings of being overwhelmed, or at other times, we are paralyzed by worry and anxiety over tragedy and other things out of our control. After exhausting and draining every bit of our waning energy, we fall into bed at night unable to sleep and recharge as we rehearse our next move, think through the worst case scenarios, or spend worry on the endless possibilities.
WHY? Why do we even attempt to battle, defend, work, run and manipulate when the Word of God clearly tells us to rest... Rest in Him. Sisters, when we carry on out of our own strength and determination in the throws of trouble, we are disobeying direct orders from our Commander in Chief and we sin. Why do we press on in pride trying to handle things on our own? It makes no sense, yet I have struggled with this time and again. We tell the Almighty God of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth, that we are grateful that He sent His Son to die for us and raised Him from the dead. However, our actions are in contrast saying, "I don't trust You to take care of me or my problems. I got this one, I'll handle it." I might as well say to the Father, "I can throw my hands up in worship before a congregation of people, I will tell of Your wonders and grace, but I will not trust You to save me, carry me or heal me." Sisters, if this is all there is to Christianity and we are left alone to fend for ourselves, then why make Jesus our Lord and SAVIOR in the first place?
The beauty and blessing of being a child of the Most High God, is that He promises to love us, protect us, and use ALL things, even the greatest tragedy, for our good! He can redeem it all! All we must do is learn to rest and trust in Him. (Psalm 37:7) This may be difficult in the beginning, not because He makes it so, but because our flesh does. Although, if we continually call on Him for His peace that passes all understanding, and if we take every thought captive and hold them up to the light of His Word and Truth; He will train our hearts and minds to die unto our flesh and rest in His strong, capable, and loving arms.
It is in these times that our wonderful God draws us near if we will stop for a moment, ignore the whirling winds around us and listen to His calling... Calling to be still, stand and watch as He takes what we have, even the worst we can imagine, and see Him create beauty from ashes. (Ephesians 6:13, Isaiah 61:3) He will draw back the choking waters about our heads and turn it into wine that is sweet to our lips. He will strengthen our weary backs burdened with the things of life and uphold us with His mighty right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
Oh, believe me, I can complain with the best of them in the midst of such worrisome and grievous days! Although, when I stop and press into Him instead, I find that these are some of the greatest moments with my Father. I now look forward to those times, ones so personally miraculous that they are indelibly written on my mind and spirit and can be recalled when other dark days come. Not to say that I want to invite trouble, but there is nothing like the moment when I finally decide to hold out my hands and give up my pathetic attempts to control my situation and life... and He lifts the burden from me, and I can almost tangibly feel the weight depart as His gentle love surrounds me. It is then that my light and momentary troubles seem to wash away. I can breath again and that deep indwelling joy begins to bubble back up to the surface and overflow, in the knowing that all of these things will be used for an eternal glory that will outweigh them all! (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) I love that place. That place in Him, where my spirit can find rest.
Will you hold out your troubles to Him today, and trust Him to complete the good work He started in your life? (Philippians 1:6) Will you allow Him to be more than just a passing thought or prayer at the dinner table, and allow Him to be your Savior? Your Friend? Your Protector? Your Provider? Your Rock? He is waiting for you, dear Sister, and He is able!
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Ephesians 3: 17-19 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (New Living Translation)
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Bible references from the New International Version, unless otherwise noted.
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His Glory and Grace...
Helen H. Lemmel
Oh, how messy life can be! You might feel as though you've got it all pretty squared away and the things of life are moving along in the right direction... and WHAM! Someone, or something, puts a kink in your air hose and you find yourself fighting to reach the surface of sanity and for a breath of relief. All of a sudden, you are struggling to keep your head above the waters of despair, grief, anger, fear, or all of the above. We fight against the feelings of being overwhelmed, or at other times, we are paralyzed by worry and anxiety over tragedy and other things out of our control. After exhausting and draining every bit of our waning energy, we fall into bed at night unable to sleep and recharge as we rehearse our next move, think through the worst case scenarios, or spend worry on the endless possibilities.
WHY? Why do we even attempt to battle, defend, work, run and manipulate when the Word of God clearly tells us to rest... Rest in Him. Sisters, when we carry on out of our own strength and determination in the throws of trouble, we are disobeying direct orders from our Commander in Chief and we sin. Why do we press on in pride trying to handle things on our own? It makes no sense, yet I have struggled with this time and again. We tell the Almighty God of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth, that we are grateful that He sent His Son to die for us and raised Him from the dead. However, our actions are in contrast saying, "I don't trust You to take care of me or my problems. I got this one, I'll handle it." I might as well say to the Father, "I can throw my hands up in worship before a congregation of people, I will tell of Your wonders and grace, but I will not trust You to save me, carry me or heal me." Sisters, if this is all there is to Christianity and we are left alone to fend for ourselves, then why make Jesus our Lord and SAVIOR in the first place?
The beauty and blessing of being a child of the Most High God, is that He promises to love us, protect us, and use ALL things, even the greatest tragedy, for our good! He can redeem it all! All we must do is learn to rest and trust in Him. (Psalm 37:7) This may be difficult in the beginning, not because He makes it so, but because our flesh does. Although, if we continually call on Him for His peace that passes all understanding, and if we take every thought captive and hold them up to the light of His Word and Truth; He will train our hearts and minds to die unto our flesh and rest in His strong, capable, and loving arms.
It is in these times that our wonderful God draws us near if we will stop for a moment, ignore the whirling winds around us and listen to His calling... Calling to be still, stand and watch as He takes what we have, even the worst we can imagine, and see Him create beauty from ashes. (Ephesians 6:13, Isaiah 61:3) He will draw back the choking waters about our heads and turn it into wine that is sweet to our lips. He will strengthen our weary backs burdened with the things of life and uphold us with His mighty right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
Oh, believe me, I can complain with the best of them in the midst of such worrisome and grievous days! Although, when I stop and press into Him instead, I find that these are some of the greatest moments with my Father. I now look forward to those times, ones so personally miraculous that they are indelibly written on my mind and spirit and can be recalled when other dark days come. Not to say that I want to invite trouble, but there is nothing like the moment when I finally decide to hold out my hands and give up my pathetic attempts to control my situation and life... and He lifts the burden from me, and I can almost tangibly feel the weight depart as His gentle love surrounds me. It is then that my light and momentary troubles seem to wash away. I can breath again and that deep indwelling joy begins to bubble back up to the surface and overflow, in the knowing that all of these things will be used for an eternal glory that will outweigh them all! (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) I love that place. That place in Him, where my spirit can find rest.
Will you hold out your troubles to Him today, and trust Him to complete the good work He started in your life? (Philippians 1:6) Will you allow Him to be more than just a passing thought or prayer at the dinner table, and allow Him to be your Savior? Your Friend? Your Protector? Your Provider? Your Rock? He is waiting for you, dear Sister, and He is able!
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Ephesians 3: 17-19 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (New Living Translation)
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Bible references from the New International Version, unless otherwise noted.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Daughters, Dads, and the One True Father
I was with my Bible study girls yesterday. We are on our usual summer hiatus because of all the activities of summer, but there are a few of us who want and need the fellowship and accountability. Without even realizing the timing of our conversation with Father's day fast approaching, the girls set out to comfort one of our own whose earthly father has been less than perfect. Years of grief over his abuse, lack of understanding and selfish ways had taken their toll. Her heart for this man, that she hoped would love her, was broken.
This precious group of women shared one by one the deep wounds their hearts had also suffered as children and adults. One friend told about the hurt of never knowing her biological father. She was the product of her mother's adulterous relationship, who along with her husband, decided to raise her. Who knows if it was his resentment of the relationship that produced this dear Sister, or if he was simply a sick man; but the father she knew repeatedly abused her for his own selfish gratification.
Another woman shared how she and her mother were abandoned by her father and she never knew him, always wondering if he loved her or if he even cared that she was alive. She wrote him letter after letter growing up, never once receiving any response. Her childhood followed a mother through various relationships and no real decent man to call on as "daddy."
Even another Sister expressed how she lived the presumed "perfect family life" with a mother and father committed to one another. Yet her father was a perfectionist and she never felt as though she could measure up and meet his expectations. She lived through her childhood feeling like an unaccepted failure.
The young woman, who was so hurt by her disappointment in her dad, listened intently to the devastating stories. You might think that the grief piled up as these women shared, but actually, it was quite the opposite. What came through each story loud and clear was the nearness of Christ as He met them in their hurt and longing to be loved. Every daughter has a deep desire (one of these Sister's even described it as desperation) to be loved and valued by a father. What was learned through the pain of unfilled voids that sought a daddy's adoration was that their true Father in heaven loved them completely and would heal all their wounds.
These women found that they had to stop counting on mere humans for fulfillment, completion, happiness, love, approval, acceptance, security and so much more. Instead, they now choose to place their full trust and hearts in the hands of Jesus, and they are finally free. Liberty came at the realization that these dads, as well as everyone else in their lives, would surely disappoint simply because of their human frailty. Now they are free to accept these men for who they are and what they lacked. They can love them with the same love that Christ first showed them, with hearts full of grace and forgiveness, no longer burdened with bitterness and hurt. Moreover, they shared the victory in following the Lord and marrying the men of His choosing, men that are all they could hope for as fathers to their children.
I won't suggest that all the pain is gone all the time, they never suggested that. However, when the little things come that remind them of past injuries, and the sting begins to well up, they turn to their true Father who will never leave them or forsake them. (Hebrews 13:5) They climb into the lap of His love and feel His arms of strength, security and protection wrap around them. They are able to rest in the knowing that He alone is their identity, hope, and eternity. NOTHING can separate them from His love. (Romans 8:38-39, Hebrews 4:16)
I have had my feelings crushed by people in the past, mostly due to poor decisions on my part. However, my dad was a blessing to me growing up. I remember him as a leader, a firm disciplinarian with a gentle hand and always a hug, having a genuine interest in everything I did or said... Allowing me to feel secure in knowing I could always approach him and be lovingly received. His example is a wonderful reflection of our Father in heaven. As I listened to these women I was again reminded of the blessing and gift of my dad, but also, how faithful our Father God is to use all things for good. God redeemed, for His glory, the deficits in the lives of these women. (Romans 8:28)
Though I might have initially considered these accounts as loss in their lives, nothing could be further from the truth! Surely it would be loss without faith in Christ, but with Him, even these tragedies worked to build strength, character, and greater faith and hope. These women have such a sweet and deep reliance and trust in their Lord. There is a peace of heart grounded in the promise of His approval, acceptance and devotion to them. They are filled to overflowing with the joy of being a daughter truly loved and valued. This assurance and confidence in their Father and God is something that many believers seek to know. So, any loss has become their gain in Christ! I am so thankful for these sisters, their testimonies, and their willingness to share with us how God has revealed to them who their true Father is. For them, He is all that matters. With this in mind, we can all give thanks this Father's Day for a Daddy's love that will never fail.
2 Corinthians 6:18 "I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."
John 1:12-13 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.
Psalm 68:5 A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling.
Hebrews 13:5b In a variety of translations to emphasize how much He cares for you!
...God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (New International Version)
...God has said, "I will never fail you. I will never abandon you." (New Living Translation)
...He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (English Standard Version)
...He Himself has said, "I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU." (New American Standard Bible)
...God has said, "I will never leave you or abandon you." (International Standard Version)
...God has said, "I will never abandon you or leave you." (God's Word Translation)
Bible references taken from the New International Version unless otherwise noted.
This precious group of women shared one by one the deep wounds their hearts had also suffered as children and adults. One friend told about the hurt of never knowing her biological father. She was the product of her mother's adulterous relationship, who along with her husband, decided to raise her. Who knows if it was his resentment of the relationship that produced this dear Sister, or if he was simply a sick man; but the father she knew repeatedly abused her for his own selfish gratification.
Another woman shared how she and her mother were abandoned by her father and she never knew him, always wondering if he loved her or if he even cared that she was alive. She wrote him letter after letter growing up, never once receiving any response. Her childhood followed a mother through various relationships and no real decent man to call on as "daddy."
Even another Sister expressed how she lived the presumed "perfect family life" with a mother and father committed to one another. Yet her father was a perfectionist and she never felt as though she could measure up and meet his expectations. She lived through her childhood feeling like an unaccepted failure.
The young woman, who was so hurt by her disappointment in her dad, listened intently to the devastating stories. You might think that the grief piled up as these women shared, but actually, it was quite the opposite. What came through each story loud and clear was the nearness of Christ as He met them in their hurt and longing to be loved. Every daughter has a deep desire (one of these Sister's even described it as desperation) to be loved and valued by a father. What was learned through the pain of unfilled voids that sought a daddy's adoration was that their true Father in heaven loved them completely and would heal all their wounds.
These women found that they had to stop counting on mere humans for fulfillment, completion, happiness, love, approval, acceptance, security and so much more. Instead, they now choose to place their full trust and hearts in the hands of Jesus, and they are finally free. Liberty came at the realization that these dads, as well as everyone else in their lives, would surely disappoint simply because of their human frailty. Now they are free to accept these men for who they are and what they lacked. They can love them with the same love that Christ first showed them, with hearts full of grace and forgiveness, no longer burdened with bitterness and hurt. Moreover, they shared the victory in following the Lord and marrying the men of His choosing, men that are all they could hope for as fathers to their children.
I won't suggest that all the pain is gone all the time, they never suggested that. However, when the little things come that remind them of past injuries, and the sting begins to well up, they turn to their true Father who will never leave them or forsake them. (Hebrews 13:5) They climb into the lap of His love and feel His arms of strength, security and protection wrap around them. They are able to rest in the knowing that He alone is their identity, hope, and eternity. NOTHING can separate them from His love. (Romans 8:38-39, Hebrews 4:16)
I have had my feelings crushed by people in the past, mostly due to poor decisions on my part. However, my dad was a blessing to me growing up. I remember him as a leader, a firm disciplinarian with a gentle hand and always a hug, having a genuine interest in everything I did or said... Allowing me to feel secure in knowing I could always approach him and be lovingly received. His example is a wonderful reflection of our Father in heaven. As I listened to these women I was again reminded of the blessing and gift of my dad, but also, how faithful our Father God is to use all things for good. God redeemed, for His glory, the deficits in the lives of these women. (Romans 8:28)
Though I might have initially considered these accounts as loss in their lives, nothing could be further from the truth! Surely it would be loss without faith in Christ, but with Him, even these tragedies worked to build strength, character, and greater faith and hope. These women have such a sweet and deep reliance and trust in their Lord. There is a peace of heart grounded in the promise of His approval, acceptance and devotion to them. They are filled to overflowing with the joy of being a daughter truly loved and valued. This assurance and confidence in their Father and God is something that many believers seek to know. So, any loss has become their gain in Christ! I am so thankful for these sisters, their testimonies, and their willingness to share with us how God has revealed to them who their true Father is. For them, He is all that matters. With this in mind, we can all give thanks this Father's Day for a Daddy's love that will never fail.
2 Corinthians 6:18 "I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."
John 1:12-13 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.
Psalm 68:5 A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling.
Hebrews 13:5b In a variety of translations to emphasize how much He cares for you!
...God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (New International Version)
...God has said, "I will never fail you. I will never abandon you." (New Living Translation)
...He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (English Standard Version)
...He Himself has said, "I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU." (New American Standard Bible)
...God has said, "I will never leave you or abandon you." (International Standard Version)
...God has said, "I will never abandon you or leave you." (God's Word Translation)
Bible references taken from the New International Version unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Who Is the Beholder of Your Beauty?
"Mama?" My five year old daughter asked quietly.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"Julie says that her Mama told her that she is the most beautiful girl in the whole world."
"Huh?" I asked, giving her my full attention.
"She said that if her Mama said it, then it's true." She looked at me with questioning eyes.
"Hmmmm." My mind whirling as it donned on me how destructive these simple little "loving" comments could really be.
"Is it true Mama? Is she the most beautiful girl in the whole world? Her Mama tells her that every night before she goes to bed." She searched my face for a response and reassurance.
I took my daughter's hand, sat her down with me and looked her straight in the eye. "Yes." I said, seeing the surprise of disappointment on the most beautiful face I have ever seen. "She is the most beautiful girl in the world, to her Mama. Sometimes, Mama's can only see beauty in their own children. Her Mama wasn't lying to Julie; she probably believes what she says. But, what she said isn't true to everyone. Do you understand?"
"No." She said with tears starting to well in her eyes.
I realized in that moment that my daughter wanted me to tell her that she was the most beautiful girl in the whole world. I wanted to cave and tell her what she wanted to hear. Then, I realized that I had allowed the values of the world to begin to shape my daughter's perspective of what was important about her. I had not intervened and directed her to who Christ says that she is. I had even contributed to the frailty of her developing self value by putting emphasis more on her outward appearance than on her heart and relationship with Jesus. That was the changing moment, and I asked God to help me to know what to say next. I didn't want to hurt her, but I had to disappoint her with truth in love, so that she would not be devastated later by the lie she had been learning. The lie that so many of us get sucked into, and waste time, money and energy on instead of things of true value. In retrospect, maybe I could have been more gentle. Although, in the moment, I didn't have the benefit of hindsight. In fact, I was quite disturbed by the worldly education of superficial values she was already being indoctrinated with. So I continued on.
"You are a beautiful girl. God made you. He created every detail of you, and there is no one like you. But... there will always be someone prettier, smarter, or more creative than you are, or I am." She was really upset now. "They are prettier, smarter and more creative because that is what the world says they are. The 'world' is what people think and believe. But those things are NOT what God says is important. It isn't fair for Julie's Mama to tell her those things."
"Why?" She cut in.
"She means it to be nice, but really, Julie is only going to be sad when she realizes that not everyone thinks that she is the prettiest girl in the whole world." She looked at me intently. "It would be better if Julie's Mama told her how she is beautiful to God." As I was talking, I realized I had been doing just as poorly in this area of parenting as Julie's mother. "What really matters is who God says we are, and what HE says is beautiful about us."
"What does He say?" She asked.
"God says that what is beautiful about us is our hearts - the inside person; how we love Him and want to know Him; how we love others and serve others for Him. These are the things that are really beautiful and the Bible teaches us how to have this kind of beauty. We are supposed to take care of our bodies because God gave them to us and they are His temple, but they are not what is most important about us. What is truly beautiful about you is that you love Jesus and you want to know Him more. You are His child, His treasure; He loves you and wants you with Him. You are His beautiful creation, He knows everything about you and will ALWAYS love you."
Relief and joy flooded her face. She hugged me like I had told her the best news in the entire world, and really, I finally had. His truth set her free. Free to seek the Lord's approval instead of people's approval.
Surely, the female mind and heart love to hear that she is beautiful. Being "pretty" in a princess dress to "lovely" in a wedding gown are addresses to our femininity, and they bless us. The trick is, to teach our children not to desire this approval above all else. It would be better to raise a daughter who appreciates a complement, but wholly desires to know who she is in Christ. Of course we want her husband to appreciate her beauty. However, it is far more important that she is drawn to a man who thinks her walk with Christ is her most beautiful quality.
Maybe you believed the lies about what the world told you is beautiful. Maybe you have unwittingly taught your children these things as well. It can be hard to avoid in this superficial world we live in. Don't despair; simply turn to your Father in heaven! He wants to show you just how precious and beautiful you are to Him. He will forgive your missteps and give your heart and mind a new perspective, if you ask Him. He will grow in you a beauty that will not fade.
After that conversation, my daughter loved to say, "I am God's beautiful creation!"... She is, and so are you!
Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
1 Peter 3:3-4 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
Bible references taken from the New International Version
"Yeah?" I answered.
"Julie says that her Mama told her that she is the most beautiful girl in the whole world."
"Huh?" I asked, giving her my full attention.
"She said that if her Mama said it, then it's true." She looked at me with questioning eyes.
"Hmmmm." My mind whirling as it donned on me how destructive these simple little "loving" comments could really be.
"Is it true Mama? Is she the most beautiful girl in the whole world? Her Mama tells her that every night before she goes to bed." She searched my face for a response and reassurance.
I took my daughter's hand, sat her down with me and looked her straight in the eye. "Yes." I said, seeing the surprise of disappointment on the most beautiful face I have ever seen. "She is the most beautiful girl in the world, to her Mama. Sometimes, Mama's can only see beauty in their own children. Her Mama wasn't lying to Julie; she probably believes what she says. But, what she said isn't true to everyone. Do you understand?"
"No." She said with tears starting to well in her eyes.
I realized in that moment that my daughter wanted me to tell her that she was the most beautiful girl in the whole world. I wanted to cave and tell her what she wanted to hear. Then, I realized that I had allowed the values of the world to begin to shape my daughter's perspective of what was important about her. I had not intervened and directed her to who Christ says that she is. I had even contributed to the frailty of her developing self value by putting emphasis more on her outward appearance than on her heart and relationship with Jesus. That was the changing moment, and I asked God to help me to know what to say next. I didn't want to hurt her, but I had to disappoint her with truth in love, so that she would not be devastated later by the lie she had been learning. The lie that so many of us get sucked into, and waste time, money and energy on instead of things of true value. In retrospect, maybe I could have been more gentle. Although, in the moment, I didn't have the benefit of hindsight. In fact, I was quite disturbed by the worldly education of superficial values she was already being indoctrinated with. So I continued on.
"You are a beautiful girl. God made you. He created every detail of you, and there is no one like you. But... there will always be someone prettier, smarter, or more creative than you are, or I am." She was really upset now. "They are prettier, smarter and more creative because that is what the world says they are. The 'world' is what people think and believe. But those things are NOT what God says is important. It isn't fair for Julie's Mama to tell her those things."
"Why?" She cut in.
"She means it to be nice, but really, Julie is only going to be sad when she realizes that not everyone thinks that she is the prettiest girl in the whole world." She looked at me intently. "It would be better if Julie's Mama told her how she is beautiful to God." As I was talking, I realized I had been doing just as poorly in this area of parenting as Julie's mother. "What really matters is who God says we are, and what HE says is beautiful about us."
"What does He say?" She asked.
"God says that what is beautiful about us is our hearts - the inside person; how we love Him and want to know Him; how we love others and serve others for Him. These are the things that are really beautiful and the Bible teaches us how to have this kind of beauty. We are supposed to take care of our bodies because God gave them to us and they are His temple, but they are not what is most important about us. What is truly beautiful about you is that you love Jesus and you want to know Him more. You are His child, His treasure; He loves you and wants you with Him. You are His beautiful creation, He knows everything about you and will ALWAYS love you."
Relief and joy flooded her face. She hugged me like I had told her the best news in the entire world, and really, I finally had. His truth set her free. Free to seek the Lord's approval instead of people's approval.
Surely, the female mind and heart love to hear that she is beautiful. Being "pretty" in a princess dress to "lovely" in a wedding gown are addresses to our femininity, and they bless us. The trick is, to teach our children not to desire this approval above all else. It would be better to raise a daughter who appreciates a complement, but wholly desires to know who she is in Christ. Of course we want her husband to appreciate her beauty. However, it is far more important that she is drawn to a man who thinks her walk with Christ is her most beautiful quality.
Maybe you believed the lies about what the world told you is beautiful. Maybe you have unwittingly taught your children these things as well. It can be hard to avoid in this superficial world we live in. Don't despair; simply turn to your Father in heaven! He wants to show you just how precious and beautiful you are to Him. He will forgive your missteps and give your heart and mind a new perspective, if you ask Him. He will grow in you a beauty that will not fade.
After that conversation, my daughter loved to say, "I am God's beautiful creation!"... She is, and so are you!
Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
1 Peter 3:3-4 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
Bible references taken from the New International Version
Friday, May 28, 2010
Premarital Sex... It Gets Worse
OK Sisters, it is time to get down to the nitty-gritty. Yep, we are going to talk about sex–risks of premarital sex, to be more to the point—and some of the medical effects you may not be aware of. Sure, you probably got the spiel from your 6th or 7th grade health teacher. However, there is some recent news out there that is going to transform the way you think about sexually transmitted diseases... and if it doesn't, then baby, we need to pray about your death wish!
I was listening to a medical study review (nerdy, I know) on the radio the other day and I was reminded of how loving God is. He is not (contrary to what some believe) a "Fun-Sucker" or a "Kill Joy." He is quite the opposite, really. He is the Creator of everything that is good, including laughter, love, marriage and yes—sex. However, He is also a loving Father who wants the best for His children; and despite our sinful nature, I believe He wants to keep us from making decisions that will cut short our days. This is why the Bible is so frank about one such decision: whether or not to have sex outside of marriage. Now, don't go closing this post thinking, "BOOORRRRRRING, irrelevant, old-fashioned!" or "Been there, done that, this one doesn't apply to me!" Wrong! There is no one more relevant than Jesus and nothing more relevant than His Word.
I was listening to a medical study review (nerdy, I know) on the radio the other day and I was reminded of how loving God is. He is not (contrary to what some believe) a "Fun-Sucker" or a "Kill Joy." He is quite the opposite, really. He is the Creator of everything that is good, including laughter, love, marriage and yes—sex. However, He is also a loving Father who wants the best for His children; and despite our sinful nature, I believe He wants to keep us from making decisions that will cut short our days. This is why the Bible is so frank about one such decision: whether or not to have sex outside of marriage. Now, don't go closing this post thinking, "BOOORRRRRRING, irrelevant, old-fashioned!" or "Been there, done that, this one doesn't apply to me!" Wrong! There is no one more relevant than Jesus and nothing more relevant than His Word.
The medical study revealed that new research shows many cancers are actually secondary to infection... Sister, "secondary to infection" means that certain infections cause cancer. In particular, viral infections, and even more specifically, infections from sexually transited diseases (STDs). Sadly, medical research is finding that these STDs can and often do cause cancers later in life.
For example, you probably already know that certain strains of Human Papilloma virus, or HPV (genital warts), can cause deadly cervical cancer (not to mention other life altering effects, like the inability to have children). To make matters worse, many men are unaware that they are carriers of HPV because they often don't show signs or symptoms. This is tragic, since many men will unknowingly infect their bride, the love of their life, once they decide to settle down. She will then bear the consequences of his and other people's poor choices.
That's fine, because it won't happen to you, right? Well, wait a minute! Let's just bring this information down to a reality level, and the consequences into your own backyard. It is now estimated that 20 million people are infected in theUSA ; 5.5 million will be infected this year, and that is JUST with HPV. That, my friend, is A LOT of busy people... Hopefully, people will find this more concerning when they begin to learn that there is also a link between HPV and both oral and lung cancers. Have you ever seen the effects of oral cancer? If you aren't faint of heart, give it a google. The treatment is not guaranteed, and the face and neck deformities can be devastating. I have taken care of many people with lung disease and cancer; it too, is not pretty.
Then there’s "Kissing Disease." As a nurse, this one was a shocker for me to hear. Mononucleosis or Epstein Barr virus, aka "Mono" is actually linked to head and neck cancers, lymphoma, aggressive breast cancers and pediatric cancers. Other breast cancers are now being linked to other viruses as well—viruses transmitted by sex.
Another common infection, Trichomoniasis (7.4 MILLION new cases each year in theUSA ), is now known to cause prostate cancer in men. There isn't a huge increase in risk of disease after this infection. However, if cancer does follow, the patient is three times more likely to die from it, than if he had not been infected. So, the thought is, that when this virus causes cancer, it is a cancer that is much more aggressive and deadly.
All of this goes way beyond our previous thinking that most STDs are just irritating infections that could be medically treated and the effects eliminated... These studies show that even though a person may be successfully treated for a "less serious" STD, there can still be devastating effects from these things later in life. Out the door goes the notion of HIV/AIDS as the only deadly STD.
So... How do I tie all this stuff to the idea that we have such a loving God? Dear Sister, He tells us to avoid premarital sex, casual sex, and adultery to SAVE US! Not to upset our fun! Once sin entered this world, He knew what the consequences would be for different choices and sins. God is not old fashioned, He has been ahead of our medical knowledge all along. He warns us in His Word to lovingly protect us. Does a child have to know the extent of injury they will experience if they touch a hot stove, in order to obey instructions not to touch it? NO! We expect our children to trust us and respect us enough to obey, despite their understanding of consequences.
It is time to trust the Lord for His love, direction and protection. Listening and obeying Him, in all things, even if we don't fully understand why. Jesus says in John 10:10b that he came that we might have life and have it abundantly. If we follow His leading in our lives, we can trust that He will bless us. However, do you know what the first half of that verse says? "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy." Anything not of God, is of who? Sin and/or the enemy, and what is the result? Death. God couldn't be more plain about the Truth, so why do we ignore it?
I Corinthians6:18 says, "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body." Why then would we doubt God's relevance? There is more disease and death due to sexual sin than any other time in history. Our culture and others are bearing the fruit of that sin in disease and death.
If you have been infected with an STD in the past, my point here is not to scare you. Instead, my intent is to give you the head knowledge you need to take care of yourself. Mostly, I hope this awakens your spirit to relying on God for His direction. If you have concerns, talk these things over with your doctor next time you see him/her. Even more importantly, talk these things over with God! If your health is at risk, ask your church elders to council you and lay hands on you for healing. God is bigger than all these things, but He also gives us direction to protect us and help us avoid trouble.
Unfortunately, this post has only covered a glimpse of the terrible effects casual sex can have on your physical body. As so many of us know, it carries an even higher price for our hearts and minds. The damage to the physical body is just a shadow of what it does to the spirit. So, spare yourself the hurt, and enjoy the freedom and thrill that comes from waiting for God's perfect choice for you in a husband. The blessings will be countless for you as well as your spouse! 2 Timothy 2:22 tells us to flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
For those who are struggling with the hurt of past mistakes, take heart! God can heal and restore your spirit. You may have waded through the mire, but He will pull you out and set your feet on solid ground. He can make your heart, and even your body, whole again. Just because we have sinned doesn't mean that we cannot begin with a renewed heart today! The Bible says, and that lovely song goes, "Create in me a clean heart, Oh God, and renew a right spirit within me!" So, sit tight and give your loving Heavenly Father the opportunity to start fresh in you today, and provide you with the protection He desires for the body He created for you. If you need encouragement, please contact me here.
For example, you probably already know that certain strains of Human Papilloma virus, or HPV (genital warts), can cause deadly cervical cancer (not to mention other life altering effects, like the inability to have children). To make matters worse, many men are unaware that they are carriers of HPV because they often don't show signs or symptoms. This is tragic, since many men will unknowingly infect their bride, the love of their life, once they decide to settle down. She will then bear the consequences of his and other people's poor choices.
That's fine, because it won't happen to you, right? Well, wait a minute! Let's just bring this information down to a reality level, and the consequences into your own backyard. It is now estimated that 20 million people are infected in the
Then there’s "Kissing Disease." As a nurse, this one was a shocker for me to hear. Mononucleosis or Epstein Barr virus, aka "Mono" is actually linked to head and neck cancers, lymphoma, aggressive breast cancers and pediatric cancers. Other breast cancers are now being linked to other viruses as well—viruses transmitted by sex.
Another common infection, Trichomoniasis (7.4 MILLION new cases each year in the
All of this goes way beyond our previous thinking that most STDs are just irritating infections that could be medically treated and the effects eliminated... These studies show that even though a person may be successfully treated for a "less serious" STD, there can still be devastating effects from these things later in life. Out the door goes the notion of HIV/AIDS as the only deadly STD.
So... How do I tie all this stuff to the idea that we have such a loving God? Dear Sister, He tells us to avoid premarital sex, casual sex, and adultery to SAVE US! Not to upset our fun! Once sin entered this world, He knew what the consequences would be for different choices and sins. God is not old fashioned, He has been ahead of our medical knowledge all along. He warns us in His Word to lovingly protect us. Does a child have to know the extent of injury they will experience if they touch a hot stove, in order to obey instructions not to touch it? NO! We expect our children to trust us and respect us enough to obey, despite their understanding of consequences.
It is time to trust the Lord for His love, direction and protection. Listening and obeying Him, in all things, even if we don't fully understand why. Jesus says in John 10:10b that he came that we might have life and have it abundantly. If we follow His leading in our lives, we can trust that He will bless us. However, do you know what the first half of that verse says? "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy." Anything not of God, is of who? Sin and/or the enemy, and what is the result? Death. God couldn't be more plain about the Truth, so why do we ignore it?
I Corinthians
If you have been infected with an STD in the past, my point here is not to scare you. Instead, my intent is to give you the head knowledge you need to take care of yourself. Mostly, I hope this awakens your spirit to relying on God for His direction. If you have concerns, talk these things over with your doctor next time you see him/her. Even more importantly, talk these things over with God! If your health is at risk, ask your church elders to council you and lay hands on you for healing. God is bigger than all these things, but He also gives us direction to protect us and help us avoid trouble.
Unfortunately, this post has only covered a glimpse of the terrible effects casual sex can have on your physical body. As so many of us know, it carries an even higher price for our hearts and minds. The damage to the physical body is just a shadow of what it does to the spirit. So, spare yourself the hurt, and enjoy the freedom and thrill that comes from waiting for God's perfect choice for you in a husband. The blessings will be countless for you as well as your spouse! 2 Timothy 2:22 tells us to flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
For those who are struggling with the hurt of past mistakes, take heart! God can heal and restore your spirit. You may have waded through the mire, but He will pull you out and set your feet on solid ground. He can make your heart, and even your body, whole again. Just because we have sinned doesn't mean that we cannot begin with a renewed heart today! The Bible says, and that lovely song goes, "Create in me a clean heart, Oh God, and renew a right spirit within me!" So, sit tight and give your loving Heavenly Father the opportunity to start fresh in you today, and provide you with the protection He desires for the body He created for you. If you need encouragement, please contact me here.
Biblical references found in the NASB and NIV translations.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Come Just As You Are
Are you here looking? Are you trying to find out if this Jesus you have heard about is for real? Are you wondering if it is possible to really believe the Bible, the Word of God? Maybe you are questioning whether or not you are worthy? Maybe you are thinking that you need to clean up your act before you take your opportunity to meet Jesus? Do you think that He won't want to hear from you until you get yourself together?
Nothing could be further from the truth! If you are feeling a tug at your heart, if you want to know more - know this: God Himself is pursuing you, calling you, wanting you to know Him, and wanting you to understand how much He loves you JUST AS YOU ARE! The very God of the universe is waiting for you, is deeply interested in every detail about you, and is longing for a relationship with you!
Jesus, God's Son, didn't come to earth to spend time with "perfect" people or the "righteous." He came to be with sinners, like you and I, not to stoop or fall to our level, but to love us up to His - by His grace, mercy and salvation. He came to die for your sins and mine, but would have endured it all, even if it was just for one of us.
He wants to fill the holes in your heart that hurt, grief, and disappointment have made. He wants to relieve your fears. He wants to give you peace that passes all understanding. He wants to set your feet on firm ground and lead you down the path and perfect plan He has for your life. He wants to bring joy to your heart. He wants to show you the love you have been looking for your entire life. He wants you to see how beautiful you are to Him, His precious child and incredible creation. He wants you to spend eternity with Him.
It sounds so good, doesn't it? What are you waiting for? Are you thinking that you want this to be true and you want to believe, but... You know, there was a man in the Bible who's heart struggled with belief and he was even able to meet Jesus face to face! Still, he struggled with faith. I believe this man's story was included in the Bible for the reassurance of your heart.
In the book of Mark chapter 9, we read about a man whose son was suffering because of demon possession. The man came to Jesus and asked, "...But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us. "'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes." Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (vs. 22b-24)
If you too are struggling with belief, simply ask Jesus to overcome it in you! Tell Him you want Him to be the Lord of your life and that you want to turn from your sins and be forgiven. Ask Him to help you walk in His love and forgiveness, and teach you the fullness of His grace. Ask Him to help you believe that He can do all that He says He can in and through you! Ask Him for support and council through people who love Him and who will disciple you. He will do it! Just as you are, He will receive you and make you new. Don't try to clean yourself up first; it is an impossible task for anyone. Let Him pour out His love and Holy Spirit upon you, this is what will wash your heart and life clean.
Our pastor spoke on this subject last Sunday. He put it this way, "Jesus called His disciples to be fishers of men. Now, I may not be a fisherman, but I do know one thing. You have to catch a fish before you can clean it!" So true! Let Jesus capture your heart and life today, and He will take care of the rest!
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Romans 10:9-13 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Song: Come Just As You Are, Crystal Lewis
Come just as you are
Hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Come receive
come and live forever
Come just as you are
Hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever
Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again
Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever
Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again
Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever
Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again
Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again
Come just as you are
Don't you hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Christ my King
Come and live forevermore
Biblical references taken from the New International Version
Nothing could be further from the truth! If you are feeling a tug at your heart, if you want to know more - know this: God Himself is pursuing you, calling you, wanting you to know Him, and wanting you to understand how much He loves you JUST AS YOU ARE! The very God of the universe is waiting for you, is deeply interested in every detail about you, and is longing for a relationship with you!
Jesus, God's Son, didn't come to earth to spend time with "perfect" people or the "righteous." He came to be with sinners, like you and I, not to stoop or fall to our level, but to love us up to His - by His grace, mercy and salvation. He came to die for your sins and mine, but would have endured it all, even if it was just for one of us.
He wants to fill the holes in your heart that hurt, grief, and disappointment have made. He wants to relieve your fears. He wants to give you peace that passes all understanding. He wants to set your feet on firm ground and lead you down the path and perfect plan He has for your life. He wants to bring joy to your heart. He wants to show you the love you have been looking for your entire life. He wants you to see how beautiful you are to Him, His precious child and incredible creation. He wants you to spend eternity with Him.
It sounds so good, doesn't it? What are you waiting for? Are you thinking that you want this to be true and you want to believe, but... You know, there was a man in the Bible who's heart struggled with belief and he was even able to meet Jesus face to face! Still, he struggled with faith. I believe this man's story was included in the Bible for the reassurance of your heart.
In the book of Mark chapter 9, we read about a man whose son was suffering because of demon possession. The man came to Jesus and asked, "...But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us. "'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes." Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (vs. 22b-24)
If you too are struggling with belief, simply ask Jesus to overcome it in you! Tell Him you want Him to be the Lord of your life and that you want to turn from your sins and be forgiven. Ask Him to help you walk in His love and forgiveness, and teach you the fullness of His grace. Ask Him to help you believe that He can do all that He says He can in and through you! Ask Him for support and council through people who love Him and who will disciple you. He will do it! Just as you are, He will receive you and make you new. Don't try to clean yourself up first; it is an impossible task for anyone. Let Him pour out His love and Holy Spirit upon you, this is what will wash your heart and life clean.
Our pastor spoke on this subject last Sunday. He put it this way, "Jesus called His disciples to be fishers of men. Now, I may not be a fisherman, but I do know one thing. You have to catch a fish before you can clean it!" So true! Let Jesus capture your heart and life today, and He will take care of the rest!
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Romans 10:9-13 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Song: Come Just As You Are, Crystal Lewis
Come just as you are
Hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Come receive
come and live forever
Come just as you are
Hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever
Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again
Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever
Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again
Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever
Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again
Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again
Come just as you are
Don't you hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Christ my King
Come and live forevermore
Biblical references taken from the New International Version
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