The beatitudes... As a kid I thought I was hearing "Be Attitudes," as though they were the attitudes of the person we are supposed to be. Not right on, but a good start. Beatitudes are actually declarations of blessedness or described as exalted happiness. That doesn't sound too bad! However, there was always one beatitude that I wasn't so sure of. One that I thought I didn't want to identify with.
Matthew 5:5 says, "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." I always believed that "meek" was synonymous with "weak," or "victim." Who wants to be one of those? I was thinking, "Leave the earth to someone else Lord, I will work on some of the other characteristics for my exalted happiness!" It never made sense to me why God would ask us to be weak or a victim, Jesus wasn't! Sure, He was persecuted and even killed in the most horrendous way, but He didn't have to be... He chose to! So... wait a minute! That is the key then, isn't it? The key to what it REALLY means to be meek.
In my church Bible study recently, I heard the TRUE definition of meek, "enduring injury with patience and without resentment." That was Jesus! Humbleness out of forgiveness and discipline... It is truly a choice!
Like you, I have been hurt by others... disappointed, worn, knocked down and pushed around (literally and figuratively), wounded, and deeply devastated. Sometimes, I wanted to strike back, other times, I wanted to curl up in a ball somewhere and hide. Sometimes, I thought I wanted to die... But as I look back on those hurts, I see now, if I had only CHOSEN to forgive and not carry resentment, if I had even just asked God to help me do it... life would have been so much more joyful and peaceful, if not around me, surely in my heart. He would have enabled me to endure through His strength and comfort.
Now, don't let me give the impression that He abandoned me in my hurt, He didn't, not for a second! But I believe I limited what He wanted to do in my life at that time, by trying to survive it my way. Funny how that attitude made me weak and turned me into a victim, the very thing I didn't want to be!
Now, don't let me give the impression that He abandoned me in my hurt, He didn't, not for a second! But I believe I limited what He wanted to do in my life at that time, by trying to survive it my way. Funny how that attitude made me weak and turned me into a victim, the very thing I didn't want to be!
So, I have changed my mind! I want to be meek! I want God to mold my heart and life into HIS definition of meekness, not mine. Hurt from others can't be avoided in life, but we CAN choose to see those who hurt us as Jesus saw even those who crucified Him... remember? In love and meekness, He asked the Father to forgive them. Lord, help me choose to serve and love others through meekness, as You first loved us! As You first loved me!
Side note: As a survivor of abuse, I would NEVER suggest that you continue to subject yourself to the mental, physical, or sexual abuse of another person. If you are being harmed, you must seek help to protect yourself.
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